Rebuild Extensions Causing White Screen

Hi guys! Pretty cool version of Sugar!

I installed a clean version of SuiteCRM. I then get the “Please go to the Repair screen and click on Rebuild Extensions.” Click on the Quick Repair and Rebuild it redirects to a white screen.

… index.php?module=Administration&action=repair

Page source is blank.


Hi there,

What is your Server/MySQL/PHP setup? Sounds like it could be permissions related.



Hi Will. What do you mean by “What is your Server/MySQL/PHP setup”? What information should I provide you?

Hi there,

The versions of your Server(Linux/Windows and the flavour/distribution), MySQL and PHP.



Gotcha! I think this is what you are looking for.

System Linux 3.2.48 #5 SMP Fri Jul 19 13:09:50 CDT 2013 x86_64
PHP Version 5.3.28
mySql: 5.5.33

It’s shared hosting from HostGator.

Hi there - any idea what I need to do? Still having the error. I re-installed fresh as well.

This is now resolved. I installed without sample data.