Reassigning of lead

I have one query that is, if admin have assigned a lead with name of John to agent A. Then admin reassigned that lead to any other agent B, even then lead is displaying in agent A account .

As per requirement if same lead is reassigned to any other agent then it should not display in previous agent account. Please suggest from where i can get this restrict from setting.

Hi and welcome!
are you talking about custom modules/fields? If you update the “assigned to” user, the change should be visible immediately, both on the UI and the database.
So, are you using factory modules/fields, is there any additional logic (like hooks that also set the assigned user)? Is the problem just the visualization or can you see on database level too that your change is not saved?
Please also be careful about the wording, e.g. “account”: do you refer to the module to store companies or user profiles?

Hi @urvashi,

You should ensure your roles are configured correctly with each user having a role which has view set to Owner meaning they can only see there assigned records

See more here:

Reassigning the task works in agent level but in leader and manager it is not working.
For Agent view set as owner for leader and manager i have set group.

If i update ‘assigned to’ user of any other group (B) then it should not visible to previous group user (A).
problem is just the visualization means UI level i am checking.
change is saved but lead assigned to one group to another group then previous group user should not view it in their leads.

Note: Assigned user field in leads is displaying updated new group user.

In that case, could you not use combined security groups.

Team Role - set to owner
Manager Role - Set to group

For each manager create a security group for there team.

This means that manager can see any of his teams records, his team can only see their own records and then if the managers personal leads are assigned to another manager in another team then the old owner cannot see them.

i have created security groups of each manager for there team and below is the observation:

  1. manager can see any of his teams records, his team can only see their own records - this is working

  2. if the managers personal leads are assigned to another manager in another team then the old owner cannot see them- this is not working

Need solution for second point.

For the second point what is actually happening?, can the manager still see it? can the new user not see it? can you not change the assigned? etc

the manager still see it.

You may have to remove the security group from that record, check the subpanel and see which ones are displayed

how to remove security group from that record? where we can check subpanel?
pls provide navigation or path as well.

The lead will have a subpannel named security groups, you may see the new and the old security group here. Remove the old one and you should have the functionality you need

okay will check this and update you if it is working.