Quoting/Products Improvements

We would love to see some improvements to the quoting/product pricing:

  1. Ability to set a minimum price on a products so that they cannot be quoted for less than the preset minimum
  2. Ability to set price-break levels on products and quotes (volume and price for each break point can be adjusted on the quote so long as it is never below the minimum price)

Rough Mockup of add/edit product is attached.

Hi kevin,

You can add this functionality by using Studio. If you navigate to Admin -> Studio and then into the Products module you can add custom fields to modify the module to fit your needs. The minimum price addition is just a case of adding the field then adding this to edit view and detail views in the layouts section. Adding the price breaks is different and you may not get the desired functionality by adding custom fields in studio.



Will thanks for the reply. Adding a minimum field as you mention is simple, but how is this then enforced on users creating quotes?

This is actually something that is required by us but we need even more flexibility. Not only do we need quantity pricing, we also need the ability to have multiple pricing records per product (the valid pricing record to be used on a quote would depend on a combination of customer and product types). Anyways, I’m waiting to hear back from Greg Soper at SalesAgility because I asked him about customizing Advanced OpenSales to support this functionality. Let’s say SalesAgility customize Advanced OpenSales for us, would I be able to port it over to SuiteCRM (we’re currently using SugarCRM CE but would like to migrate to SuiteCRM)?


Please let me know if you hear anything more or make any progress on this functionality!

I just wanted to update and cross-post this comment on the sales agility website:

A user there suggested that an administrator be able to set a maximum price as well as a minimum to define a price range.

Is there a developer we can go to that would be willing to setup these customizations or provide a how-to guide? We are happy to put our money where our mouth is to get some help with this!

It would also be good to be able to create a new product direct from the line item. It would be useful when creating a long quote only to find you haven’t created a product for item 10,
Also the ability to just enter anything without creating a special product, for a once off item in a quote.

I think those are great ideas as long as they can be restricted by user profile permissions

Great funcionality ideas mentioned in this thread. The lack of these functionalities are exactly the reason for us to leave SugarCRM/SuiteCRM (after years) for an expensive commercial suite.

  • Minimal price
  • Price breaks, or tier prices
  • Add unregistered products to a quote

We have implemented minimum price enforcement. Please see attached changes to line_items.js and feel free to incorporate in the main build.

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