Quotes module print as PDF leading to blank page with no error

Hello every one from last two day i am trying to solve this in my Quotes modules details view page when i click on print as pdf option it’e leading me to blank page with this

url :

there is no error and no HTML in source also .

i don’t know because of what its occurring the error .

i followed these : http://www.salesagility.com/index.php/forum/8-aos-5x/2206-error-in-pdf-from-a-quotes-with-more-than-42-rows

can some 1 please let me know what it happening with my suite crm because for invoice the same functionality is working .

Do you have php error reporting turned on in your php ini settings?

Hi andy

Yes i have enable error reporting in my php ini settings

hi, i’m getting the same issue after upgrading from sugar just gives me an unkown page entryPoint=generatePdf, have tried setting up new pdf templates but same problem.

Were you able to rectify this. Works fine in my blank install of suitecrm.


Found a solution on the attached thread https://suitecrm.com/forum/bug-tracker/885-create-pdfs-no-longer-working#3686
