Quotes - Line Item - Layout Editing


Is it possible to edit the layout of the line items in the Quote module ? I cant see this in Studio > Quotes layouts it is just listed as “Line Item” not the individual components of it. li

Equally in Studio > Line Items none of the layouts correlate with the Line Item Layout in Quotes.

Does anyone have any ideas ? I really just want to get rid of stuff like discount fields and keep it simple for our users and also add in another field.

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Hi cj868,

Modification of line items can be done via the line_items.js file. It is not possible to make modifications within the CRM UI currently.



Thanks Will,

Is there a need to do some form of rebuild / repair after an update. I can see few different options in the Repair section of Admin for js files.

I updated the js file but the changes were reflected in the app and so tried to rebuild / recompress etc. Now unfortunately I think I’ve broken it as quotes are now showing as blank. when I try and repair the js files it permanently sticks on

“Processing files. This may take several minutes. Going away from this page will not cancel the process, so feel free to move on or wait for confirmation…”

For any rebuilds / repair now and nothing is being displayed in any of the modules / account / contact / quotes etc - any thoughts ?

Ah yeah fixed it. A permissions issue again…

I can see the changes in edit view when i modified JS file , but it seems it doesn’t reflect in detail view i tried changing in php file and vardefs also created field receptively in db default table , well how can I achieve lineitem customizations in detail and edit view and there is a line items in studio which doesnt reflect any changes in views … And i would like to contribute my time(Code) for SuiteCRM as well Thanks.

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Hi there,

I’m quite a novice in SuiteCRM and javascript, and my question was how can I achieve a points system for the products that calculate itself, like discount or taxes.
I already tried creating the custom fields in line items and products, but i cannot make them show up. I was thinking about doing it with workflow, but I am not sure it will work.

Hope for a little bit more experienced people than me,
Thanks in advance.