QUOTES: Email PDF or email quotation -- neither works

When i create a quote and then select either “email pdf” or “email quotation”, i am brought to the PDF template selection. Once i select the template, i am brought to the email page. Regardless of what i select, the quote is not attached, or included in the body of the message. However, if i select “print pdf”, the document generates without a problem. Also, in the email section, the email address and relation is not pre-populated, which it seems it should be. Any thoughts as to the disconnect between the Quotes and Email? Thanks

Hi Brad,

Do you get any errors in your sugarcrm.log?

What version of SuiteCRM are you on?

Have you upgraded or is it a fresh installation?



Here’s what I see in the log…

Fri Oct 3 12:47:08 2014 [6557][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][WARN] Image CreateFP_Event_Locations.gif not found
Fri Oct 3 12:47:08 2014 [6557][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][WARN] Image FP_Event_Locations.gif not found
Fri Oct 3 12:47:08 2014 [6557][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][WARN] Image CreateAOR_Reports.gif not found
Fri Oct 3 12:47:08 2014 [6557][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][WARN] Image AOR_Reports.gif not found
Fri Oct 3 12:47:08 2014 [6557][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][WARN] Image dashboard.png not found
Fri Oct 3 12:47:08 2014 [6557][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][DEPRECATED] Using row number in fetchByAssoc is not portable and no longer supported. Please fix your code.
Fri Oct 3 12:47:12 2014 [5426][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][WARN] Image CreateFP_Event_Locations.gif not found
Fri Oct 3 12:47:12 2014 [5426][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][WARN] Image FP_Event_Locations.gif not found
Fri Oct 3 12:47:12 2014 [5426][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][WARN] Image CreateAOR_Reports.gif not found
Fri Oct 3 12:47:12 2014 [5426][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][WARN] Image AOR_Reports.gif not found
Fri Oct 3 12:47:12 2014 [5426][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][WARN] Image dashboard.png not found
Fri Oct 3 12:47:21 2014 [5428][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][ERROR] fromUser: Conversion of 10/03/2014 12:47pm from user format m/d/Y h:ia failed
Fri Oct 3 12:47:21 2014 [5428][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][DEPRECATED] SugarBean.php: preprocess_fields_on_save() is deprecated
Fri Oct 3 12:47:21 2014 [5428][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][ERROR] Unable to load custom logic file: include/SugarSearchEngine/SugarSearchEngineQueueManager.php
Fri Oct 3 12:47:21 2014 [5428][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][DEPRECATED] SugarBean.php: preprocess_fields_on_save() is deprecated
Fri Oct 3 12:47:21 2014 [5428][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][ERROR] Unable to load custom logic file: include/SugarSearchEngine/SugarSearchEngineQueueManager.php
Fri Oct 3 12:47:21 2014 [6810][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][WARN] Image CreateFP_Event_Locations.gif not found
Fri Oct 3 12:47:21 2014 [6810][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][WARN] Image FP_Event_Locations.gif not found
Fri Oct 3 12:47:21 2014 [6810][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][WARN] Image CreateAOR_Reports.gif not found
Fri Oct 3 12:47:21 2014 [6810][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][WARN] Image AOR_Reports.gif not found
Fri Oct 3 12:47:21 2014 [6810][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][WARN] Image dashboard.png not found
Fri Oct 3 12:47:21 2014 [6810][8ac6af82-68a8-a696-cacd-52f501ee05fd][DEPRECATED] User::getPreference() should not be used statically.

i’m not 100% sure on the version, but it’s only a few months old and a fresh install.

Thanks for any help on this topic.

No one else has experienced this issue? I have modified the permissions to the entire directory to 777 and still having the trouble.

I realize that you guys are in the middle of a kickstarter campaign and are probably not paying much attention to the forums. Maybe you’re holding back answers to those you know have supported the campaign, or maybe you’re simply waiting to see how the campaign finishes before you spend any time on “free” questions. Please remember that the support forums are where the vast majority of your potential donators will originate. I would be happy to donate to the campaign, but it’s been pretty frustrating to hear the proverbial crickets when seeking assistance. For me, donating to the campaign will be impossible if I am concerned that the software may not be a long-term solution for us. If I can’t solve basic issues that claim to work “out of the box”, but don’t, then I can’t use the software. I think that if you pay closer attention to the forums and answer questions quickly and clearly, then you will find grateful investors. On another note, I have also requested “paid” support via your contact page last week, and still have not received a reply. Thank you in advance.

Hi Brad,

The forums are very busy and we actively post on a daily basis and resolve issues. In your log, there are no FATAL errors or errors which should stop the CRM from performing the aforementioned actions.

You can find out your version from clicking About in the menu in the top right of the CRM.

The attachment should appear on the right hand side in the email client. If not, I would recommend setting the following permissions and re-trying:

sudo chown -R owner:group .

sudo chmod -R 755 .

sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

Where the owner/group user is that of your web server.

I will chase up the paid for support issue asap.



Hi Will,

Thank you very much for the suggestions. My Version is 7.1.4.

Regarding the permissions, I believe that I’ve already done that, but will do again right now and let you know.

I am very interested in paid support.



SuiteCRM works very well out of the box. Many issues are related to server environments, versions of software and permissions.



Hi Brad,

Would also be helpful to know your environment details i.e. MySQL or MSSQL, PHP version, web server(IIS/apache).



Hello Will,

MySQL, PHP 5.3.3, Apache

I have rerun the ownership and permissions as you describe above, but am unfortunately not able to either attach the quote as a pdf nor do I see the quote in the body of the email. If important, I also do not see any information populated in the “related to” section at the top of the email.

When selecting either method from the quotes module, I briefly see my inbox before being brought to the new message window.

Also, when checking to see if AJAX is enabled for the modules, I did find that “PDF Templates”, “Quotes”, and “Opportunities” are all disabled. If I enable them, upon refreshing the screen, I find that they are all disabled again. Could this have anything to do with the stated issue?

Thank you.

Hi Brad,

Moving the modules in the AJAX window not saving sounds like a permissions issue.

I would also recommend running a Quick Repair & Rebuild and execute any changes(found at foot of page).

The quote does not appear in the body of the email, it should show on the right panel in the email window.

Can you provide full screen shots, after clicking Email PDF?



It does sound like a permissions issue, I couldn’t agree more. But where? I’ve already set the permissions as you mentioned. I’ll do the repair and rebuild right now and get you some screen shots asap. Thank you,

Hi Brad,

I would also recommend modifying your config.php file.

Set the dir_mode to 1517 and file_mode to 420 and set the owner/group user to that of the web server. Then run your permissions command and then run a Quick Repair and Rebuild. Then attempt to move the modules and click save.



I followed those steps, 1. change the dir and file_modes to 1517 and 420, 2. ran the permissions commands you listed above, and 3. ran quick repair and rebuild. Then I went to the AJAX settings and moved the modules into the “enabled” box. Then I clicked admin and system settings > ajax settings again and found that the modules went back into the disabled box.

Here are the screen shots you requested. 1 = screen shot of quote, 2 = my inbox (which displays for about 5 seconds before moving on to 3 = the compose email section.

Did you click ‘save’ after you had moved the modules? What happens if you press Ctrl+F5(without navigating away)? Did the modules revert to disabled?

This functionality certainly works in the latest version of SuiteCRM. Have you checked your php error log(error.log file - normally in var/log/apache2)?




I don’t see an “execute changes” or anything to that effect on the quick repair screen (I assume you mean the screen that shows all of the rebuilding).

Yes, I clicked save. If I refresh the screen, the modules stay in place. But I get a warning about posted data, so I think that firefox is caching that info and putting it back in place.

My error log shows no apparently related messages. Here is the only message: [Mon Oct 20 17:49:48 2014] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/html/crm/cache/jsLanguage/Administration/en_us.js, referer: http://thiscrm.com/crm/index.php?module=Administration&action=repair

Could it have anything to do with the referer?

php error logging was disabled. that was the apache log i mentioned before. I enabled php log and here is an excerpt…

[20-Oct-2014 18:01:02] PHP Notice: Undefined index: module in /var/www/html/crm/modules/AOW_WorkFlow/AOW_WorkFlow.php on line 134
[20-Oct-2014 18:01:02] PHP Notice: Undefined property: InboundEmail::$team_id in /var/www/html/crm/custom/modules/Schedulers/_AddJobsHere.php on line 61

Hi there,

IF you refresh the page(accept the warning about resending post data) and then click save again, and navigate away and come back into the AJAX view, are the modules now enabled?

In terms of the error, it may be that the file simply isn’t cached(since the last quick repair & rebuild).

On the error log, those are just notices and should not affect the issue you are having and are not related to AOS.

It is difficult to resolve issues , which we have not seen before, without being able to see the environment.

I will chase up your support request first thing tomorrow.

On the support side - We maintain the forums and provide support. We are not waiting on kickstarter funding to choose whether to support or not. The community is extremely important to SuiteCRM. As you will see by our GitHub page and in the Bug Tracker topics, we work on and resolve issues, and also encorporate suggestions from the community(such as Generating PDF’s on Contracts).

Community contributions to the forum from other members are OK(there are say half a dozen members who assist with issues regularly), but we need many, many more to engage with and contribute to the community. Community is a two-way ecosystem. As you can see with my many posts, I make the best effort to respond to and resolve issues.



I am able to get the PDF Template to stay put now. However the opportunities module will not enable. Actually, I have a few duplicated modules in the disabled box. Please see screen shot. Thank you for your help tonight, it is very much appreciated.