Quote not seen by other authorized members of the same Group

USER 1: Team Manager role ( Quotes: Enabled None Group None None Group None Group)
USER2: Regional Sales Manager ( Quotes: Enabled None Group None None Group None Group)

Login as USER1 or USER2, list opportunities, they can see all the opportunities for the Group. Some opportunities have a quote defined

If USER1 list the quotes he can only see the quotes ASSIGNED to him/her
If USER2 list the quotes he can only see the quotes ASSIGNED to him/her

Group option for List / View Quotes seems not to be working

This is not happening for Tasks for example, they can see both the tasks assigned to that opportunity and owned by whatever USER1 or USER2, even owned by someone out of the group because the task has been assigned to a different presale team for example in this case the name of the owner is not listed)

Easy to replicate:

Define USER1 and USER2 in the same group. Define same or different roles with permissions Quotes: Enabled None Group None None Group None Group and assign the role(s) to the users
Login as USER1, create an opportunity OPP-1 and add a quote: opportunity and quote are assigned to USER1
Login as USER2, list the opportunities, as you scroll down the page of OPP-1 you will NOT see the quote created by USER1 listed
Login as USER2, llist the quotes, the quote related to OPP-1 is NOT listed

Same reverse way, login as USER2, create an opportunity OPP-2 and a quote, ect
Login as USER1, this will be able to see OPP-2 but NOT quote related to OPP-2