I wish I could say… “Funny thing” nothing really funny going on here…
After I got the hosting company to resolve the modsecurity issue… I was able to save a “Quote” Whoo hoo. Shoot some fireworks. We are in business. Smash the champagne bottle… Nope… full halt.
Looks like i am now faced with the “Undefined” headers in the “Line Items”
More permission issues I am thinking that got toasted in my earlier passes over the files in trying to get the modsecurity issue dealt with.
crazy what is happening here though… I have ended up doing a couple of things to the system. Like omg. I have recursively wiped my hand over the suitecrm files a few times (over 15) in trying to find the right combination of file permissions. waste of time because of the modsecurity fix.
Moving forward now my files have been “tainted”
I have directories that have some really weird permissions set due to the multiple permissions passes. I have directories that have
0775 / 2775 values spattered about like popcorn on your shirt.
my config.php has an entry like this
... 'dir_mode' => 493, 'file_mode' => 420, 'user' => '', 'group' => '', ...
To solve this… I ended up making a second installation on the server and merged the original file structures permissions that where established on the initial install.
The magical extra bit I do believe that was needed to be done was in the :
Admin->Repair->Rebuild Relationships
All good… Whoo hoo. “Undefined” value labels are now gone!
Igniting Fireworks
Time passes…
ohh ohh more issues… Continued Post Here