QuickCreate button on popUp

I need to add a quick create button on a pop up of a product module on line items, i tried to add a relationship between this two modules, but nothing happens. I tried to edit the call of open_popup function on line_items.js but i dont know exactly the paramter that add the quick create button on popup.
Someone can help me?

Adding any button in a view is not a big deal. We usually do it in Edit and Detail view pages. For poup view you can check the code here in this file, Hopefully you will get an idea about how to do it. We use basic Javascript or this


here is the code to add the button (just for your help)

  public function display() {
        $address = (isset($this->bean->jjwg_maps_address_c) && $this->bean->jjwg_maps_address_c != '') ? $this->bean->jjwg_maps_address_c : '';
        $map_url = urldecode("index.php?module=jjwg_Maps&action=quick_radius_meetings&mode=single&quick_address=$address");

        $html = <<<EOHTML
             var btn_map_button='$map_button';
                var button = document.createElement("button");
                button.innerHTML = "Proximity Meeting Search";
                button.id = "btn_proximity_map_search";
                button.addEventListener ("click", function() {
                $('div.moduleTitle h2.module-title-text').append(button);  
        echo $html;

$(‘div.moduleTitle h2.module-title-text’).append(button); this line is appending the button to the page and i am creating the button on the fly with Javascript.


thnks a lot for reply!! I will test this!!

That unfortunately didn’t work, is there any way to do it for the studio ?? thnks a lot for reply!!

Is POPUP displayed perfectly? And do you see anything in Browser Console or in SuiteCRM logs when you load the POPUP?