Quick Filter SuiteCRM

I make some changes to the field layout in listview and save, but when I perform a quick filter, the field layout is lost and returns to default. Any reason for this to occur?

What version?

What I have noticed is that when you change any view, you need to click in Save And Deploy only once. If you click more than one, view will get back to the original.



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Thnks for reply!
Version: 7.10.7
I made these changes in choose columns in listview, not in studio.

This is a known issue on that version. (https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM/issues/5794)

It was fixed on version 7.10.8

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I replicate the same issue on the online demo and the error apparently persists

Sorry to hear that. No much I can do. You should report it on GitHub.

