Quick Create (Change Assigned To...)


On Accounts, there is a subpanel for Opportunities. I wanted to try and Create an Opportunity using the Quick Create, and as I can see the Assigned To: field is showing the current logged in user. I wanted to actually use the current Assigned To of the current Account instead of current logged in. I tried changing some values on root/modules/Opportunities/OpportunitiesQuickCreate.php but it is not changing anything. Is this possible?

  1. Do quick repair and rebuild from admin dashboard. (Admin → System → Repair → Quick Repair and Rebuild)

  2. Did you try to change code here?

Tried Quick Repair and Rebuild but it is still not working

(My custom directory does not have a OpportunitiesQuickCreate.php that is why I’m changing the actual file

Maybe, you could copy and paste file there and check.

I also tried editing the root/modules/Opportunities/views/view.edit.php, when I tried to show a debug function, it is showing the debug but if I tried changing adding this:

$this->ss->assign(‘ASSIGNED_USER_ID’, ‘sample_ID’);

it is still not showing. (This is also the function I tried on my OpportunitiesQuickCreate.php

I tried adding this function on my OpportunitiesQuickCreate.php


and it is not showing on my debugging, maybe it is not the correct file to touch? I’m confuse as to what file to touch in this scenario

Found a solution, I used jquery instead. I put it before the return $str on the display() function of the file: root/include/EditView/EditView2.php

  if($this->returnModule == 'Accounts' && $this->module == 'Opportunities') {
     $data = BeanFactory::getBean($this->returnModule, $this->returnId);
     if($data->id) {
        $user = BeanFactory::getBean('Users', $data->assigned_user_id);

        $str .= "
           $(function() {
               $('input#assigned_user_name').val('{$user->first_name} {$user->last_name}');

This will only work on Accounts detail view Opportunities subpanel

It is probably possible to make that upgrade-safe by overriding the display function (or pre_display might be better) just for the view you want to change.

See this for help


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