Questions regarding SuiteCRM


I am curently testing SuiteCRM for my company. I have a few technical questions.

  1. There is supposed to be a ā€˜CASE MODULEā€™ or so I assume, but I canā€™t seem to find it in the Studio, nor under ā€˜hidden subpanelsā€™.

Also a Build & Repair does not make this module appear. Any suggestions?

  1. How can i remove the obliged prefix from first name field? If I would use a Custom field, the ā€˜nameā€™ feature doesnā€™t display the first name anymore, only the last name.

How can I fix this without having to change anything in the code?

Kind Regards,



Admin / Display modules and subpanels
Admin / Configure Module menu filters

See if you can find it in the live demo, that might help: (user:will, pass: will)

It should appear in the Top menu, under ā€œAllā€ and also under ā€œSupportā€

Is your installation a new one, or does it have custom changes?


Version 7.11.3
Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)

Is our version. Itā€™s a web shared version.

I understand that it is available in the demo, Iā€™ve seen this before. But the module is completely missing from our version. Not under -display hidden Subpanels- .
However, when making a new workflow, such things as case events, do show up.
I did experiment with the hidden subpanels before and itā€™s entirely possible that I switched it to the ā€˜hideā€™ side a few weeks ago. However now Iā€™d like to see itā€™s functionality and canā€™t find it again. (not entirely sure it was there in the first place though, regardless, it should be somewhere, I never deleted a module)


Did you check also
Admin / Configure Module menu filters?

Another possibility is disabling through Security Groups / Roles. Check that.

Finally, you can try a direct access by URL just to see if the module is there:

Your URL suggestion helped and showed me I had changed the module name a while ago. Thank you.

Do you also have a solution regarding my 2nd original question? The prefix.

The name prefix is not a mandatory field by default. If it, in your system, then that must also be a customization (check that moduleā€™s fields in Studio).

Normally it defaults to a ā€œblankā€ and isnā€™t mandatory, so companies that donā€™t care about the prefix can simply ignore the field, or remove it from the screen layouts.

I donā€™t advise using a custom field for ā€œnameā€, use the default field if possible, there are too many places in SuiteCRM where that will be used and a custom field will end up breaking (or making less convenient) other parts of the app.

Thank you for the answers, as far as Iā€™m concerned, this question is solved and can be closed.