Publish list of supported integrations and integration services. Add more.

  1. It would be a great help companies on, or considering going on, SuiteCRM, to publish a list of all supported integrations -

Telephony, Text messaging, Social networking, Content management systems (Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal, etc), Accounting, ECommerce, other CRM, Fulfillment, Billing and Invoicing, Email Marketing.

  1. Add SuiteCRM integrations to the biggest best known freemium, commercial, and open source integration services and platforms - OneSaas, IFTTT, Zapier, CloudHQ, Cloudwork, Jitterbit, Bipio, Pentaho, Talend.

So that SuiteCRM can exchange data effortlessly with other popular business apps used by the widest number of current and potential companies.

    • also Cloudpipes … ( freemium integration platform service ) - supports SugarCRM already so probably is compatible with SuiteCRM… makes it so that SuiteCRM can integrate with 250+ different apps. Really handy, and dead-simple to use.