PT-BR LAnguage Support

Hello all

Suite CRM is looking sexy.

I have just localized my installation to pt-BR using SugarCrm Language file 6.5.3

    'name' => 'Portugues (BR) - Language Pack',
    'description' => 'Language Pack Portugues Brasil - <a href=""       
          target="_blank">LAMPADA GLOBAL SERVICES</a>',
'type' => 'langpack',
'is_uninstallable' => 'Yes',
'version' => '6.5.3',
'acceptable_sugar_flavors' => array("CE"),
'acceptable_sugar_versions' => array("regex_matches" => array("6.5.[0-9]")),
'published_date' => '23-08-2012',

Works like a charm

Well done to teh SuiteCRM Team


Hi there,

Thank you for notifying the community that this language pack works with SuiteCRM and also for your comments.



Hello Will:

Lampada Global Brazilian Language Pack will work only for the standard Sugar CRM CE modules, Suite CRM modules like Security Groups, Open Sales, Open Portal, Open Work Flow and others are not covered.

I am working in a full translation package to Portuguese and it will be ready in two weeks time. Where would be the right place to post the zip file?

Also I have read your discussion with Awidon about a translation tool that would benefit all the international comunity and I decided to develop a module that is able to read all lang.php files in any language and manage translation and also generate the LangPack zip file. The module is already working and we will have a beta in two to three weeks, again what would be the right place to make it available for the comunity?

Magno Pires

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Bom dia,

Sou novo no SuiteCRM e gostava de contribuir na tradução para português (pt-PT).
Existe ja alguma coisa em PortuguĂŞs de Portugal ? POu mesmo do Brazil que eu possa utilisar para personalizar o meu SuiteCRM
Obrigado a todos e bom trabalho.

Estou disponivel.

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Hi there,

I believe Magno was developing a full portugese language pack, but they would need to confirm if this is ready or not.



Hello Formatu:

I am still working on a full SuiteCRM brazilian portuguese language pack.

I have a beta version at that you can download and install it at your instance as a regular language pack.

We are still reviewing translation so you probably will find some mistakes. You should consider, also, that there is some hard code on Suite CRM with is preventing translations to work properly, a good example is Advanced OpenAdmin tab at Administrator/Admin.

Also file include/utils.php is forcing english language, due to the fact that SuiteCRM is installed over SugarCRM as custom modules, so you must replace utils.php with the version available at

Magno - CBR Consultoria


Hello! I’m loving the SuiteCRM, and now I’m trying to apply the translation, but I can not make the upload, is there any specific installation order or should I throw in some specific folder?
Thanks and congratulations for the initiative!

Hello Auggie:

pt-BR translation file should be loaded and installed using admin/Module Loader as a regular Module.


A language pack for pt-PT is almost ready! Then will request your help too!
Please wait until the end of the year!

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We are already in March 2015, where the PR-BR translation is ready? Where can I download? Thanks!

I can see a link in a message above to download a zip pack (nothe it is for v7.1.1).

There is also this site where you can translate online the remaining lines:
pt-BR is 81% done: Transifex Explore Projects

Hope you be able to help translate and later create a new language pack for your language

Hello Ney:

Language pack updated for version 7.1.5 is available at same link:


CBR Consultoria

Hi Magno.
You need to revise that language pack:
It includes a folder named “stom” but it should be named “custom”

Venha traduzir no Transifex o que falta!

Hello horus68:

Folder stom is not included in manifest file so it will not have any effect in package installation.

I will remove folder from package.


True… but some files under custom folder needs to be there for translations, not all are automatic created by suiteCRM!