Protect Custom directory

I want to upgrade from 7.7.3 to 7.8.5.

Is the upgrader going to overwrite anything in my ā€œ/custom/ā€ dir?
Or write anything at all to ā€œ/custom/?ā€.

Or have we moved beyond that (back to the Sugar, ā€œupgrade-safeā€ model).

Should I set ā€œ/custom/ā€ to ā€œunwriteableā€ (0400) before running the upgrade?

custom directory is ā€œupgrade safeā€, will not written.
If you want to controll, open the upgrade zip file to verify by your self.

Before every upgrade remember to make a backup of your suitecrm files and db

I cloned all files and database and created a new subdomain.
Then I chmod -R 0400 ā€œ/custom/ā€ (just to be safe).

The upgrade went off without a hitch!

Wellā€¦ almost.
A little bit of strangeness (see attachment).
All my custom field labels seem to have gotten ā€œmisplaced.ā€

Anyone have any thoughts on what might have happened here?


First try ā€œquick repair and rebuildā€ (also ā€œrebuild javascript languageā€ can help) from repair section af the administration pannel.
Check also in the studio if your custom labels are ok.

Custom field labels are parsed properly in Studio > Leads > Labels

But not in
Studio > Leads > Layouts > whateverView

Have they changed the way the "ViewDefs.php files work (e.g.: ā€œ/custom/modules/leads/metadata/detailviewdefs.phpā€???

Mine look like they always have:
4 =>
array (
0 =>
array (
ā€˜nameā€™ => ā€˜phone_workā€™,
ā€˜studioā€™ => ā€˜visibleā€™,
ā€˜labelā€™ => ā€˜LBL_PHONE_WORKā€™,
1 =>
array (
ā€˜nameā€™ => ā€˜search_city_cā€™,
ā€˜labelā€™ => ā€˜LBL_SEARCH_CITYā€™,
5 =>
array (
0 =>
array (
ā€˜nameā€™ => ā€˜email1ā€™,
ā€˜customCodeā€™ => ā€˜{$bean->email1} (primary)ā€™,
ā€˜labelā€™ => ā€˜E-mail:ā€™,
1 =>
array (
ā€˜nameā€™ => ā€˜email_validation_cā€™,
ā€˜studioā€™ => ā€˜visibleā€™,
ā€˜labelā€™ => ā€˜LBL_EMAIL_VALIDATIONā€™,

I see now, that this is happening to ALL modules. Leads, Users, employees, etc.
Labels are not being translated/parsed

Anyone know where the logic is thatā€™s responsible for this?

It seems that by write-protecting ā€˜/custom/ā€™ dir, I botched the upgrade.

Looking at the installer, there are over 1,000 calls to ā€˜/custom/ā€™ so I was basing everything I did on a false assumption.

*Iā€™ll clone our 7.7.3 install again and try upgrading, ALLOWING it to mess with our ā€œ/custom/ā€ directory.
I sure donā€™t feel good about this.

Probably there are some code in the installer script to allineate old version to new versionā€¦

Probably, yes.