So, suppose I have lead in a target list to send my weekly newsletter. He calls me and says he doesn’t want to receive emails anymore. What’s the proper way remove him? Do I add him to the suppression list? Or should I just go the specific target - list and remove him that way?
In every kind of SuiteCRM record where you can define an email address, a bit to the right of the address (in Edit view), you see a checkbox for “opted out”.
This is the best place to mark somebody as opted-out, because it will affect every operation where email is being sent to him, not just a single target list.
Thanks for the input. The issue with the opt-out method seems to be in the event that you have multiple newsletters. Suppose I have a Lead that I send “My Friday Newsletter” and “My Monday Newsletter” to. The Lead wants to be removed from the “My Friday Newsletter” but they still want to receive the other one. What’s the best way to handle a situation like that without opting them out of both?
That is a removal (or a suppression) from a Target List.
It’s also quite normal to handle this with Target Lists only, as long as you take responsibility for keeping it all consistent with what people opt-out of.
If you opt-out at the email level, you’re more certain he won’t receive anything (if that’s what he asked to happen).
The rest you can (should) manage with subscriptions, removal form target lists, etc.