Professionally Hosted SuiteCRM Sites

Hi guys,

Having hosted our own SuiteCRM site for the last few months, I am now looking to outsource it to a professional host. Does anyone know of a reputable SuiteCRM host in Australia?



I am not sure about web hosting based in Australia but there are a few out there in the world if you google ā€œsuiteCRM hostingā€.

Please be aware some ā€˜Suite hostsā€™ might not allow you to have access to the files of suite or some might will indeed allow access to the bare bones of suite. Some hosts may limit how many accounts you can have on suite also and all different factors come into play if you do it through that path

However, if you want all the bare bones to suite you can host it on a normal web hosting service. But some restrictions may also apply on that too because you might have hundreds of users on one instance of suite and host might not be so happy about that

Hope this helps slightly in your decision!


Jim also helped to answer this question! many thanks to him also :slight_smile:

Godaddy has good hosting for SuiteCRM. They have a one click install feature you can use to install SuiteCRM with not fuss. If buy a web hosting package from

Then go into your control panel -> manage your hosting -> web applications. If you click the view more link you will be presented with all the web apps you can install. Just click on Suite CRM. Click ā€œInstall this applicationā€ and then fill in the details. It takes about 5 mins. Then you will have a full copy set up for you.

If you donā€™t want to use go daddy look for hosting sites that use installatron or bitnami.

I would like to point out that you can use Installatron with almost any server. We have a couple of solutions hosted by various providers and always use Installatron to install the base SuiteCRM (it is not always the latest version so I usually run upgrades afterwards).

Good luck.

Thanks for the guidance. I have signed up to godaddy and installed SuiteCRM using the one-click installer. Worked great. Thanks again.