product image empty

I have addedd image to product sheet, but it is empty
See via ssh the owner of this file is always apache, and not the owner of the site/files.
Why suitecrm load images as apache owner?

Hi there,

Have you specified the correct user/owner/group in the config.php file for the server? The product image bug will be resolved in future releases.



Sorry, but where is this setting?
one other question: AOP working fine, but if the customer lost password for portal? How can retrieve password for portal?
Is there a way to attach document to case reply?

Hi there,

Users should be able to reset their password using the forgotten password feature on Joomla.

You should be able to attach a document in the case portal which will submit/attach to the case in the CRM.



The config file have the correct user/owner/group, but during some istance the owner of (i.e.) modules assume at apache

but the attachment is invisible to customer, also in the portal. How can admin can send document to customer, related to cases?

Hi there,

Can you provide some screen shots?

