Product details in new module


I have created a new module called “service” and require the “description” and “part_number” fields from the “aos_products” table to appear in this new module.
When I create a relationship between the “products” and “service” modules, I do have one “aos_products” field appear in the "services’ module - the “name” field.
How can I also show the “description” and “part_number” fields from “aos_products” table in “services” so they appear under Detail and Edit view?
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.



One way will be:

  1. Replicate the product fields in your custom module.
  2. Add relate field on edit view of your custom module to select the product.
  3. After that you can fill your fields on save using a Logic hook using information on the selected bean.

The other way will be to replicate the views from the Quote module. For that some you can learn how those modules work by reading this post:



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