Problems with the aow_processed and aow_processed_aow_actions tables

Hi everyone,
I have a problem with the two tables in question, they have become huge (about 1.5 GB) and fill up in a few days, this leads to slowdowns or freezes. Can you tell me what it contains? I know it’s about workflows, but is it possible to delete rows? What happens if I delete all content? I can do it? Does it affect other tables in the DB? Thank you.

This has been discussed many times, for example here

with a few links from there also

Thanks for the reply, I have read various posts on this topic, but I couldn’t find answers to my questions. Now I know that tables can be emptied without any problems

That’s not what those posts say… the problems can be quite critical, depending on your business logic and your workflows. For example, you could be re-sending messages to clients, repeating some business dealings you already had with them, possibly years ago.

ok, since the workflows created mostly concern internal management (updating existing fields), the important thing is that deleting those rows does not affect the data in the DB or damage other tables

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