Problems with quick&repair

Hi, I recently upgraded to SuiteCRM 8.6 and I have a problem with quick&repair. It doesn’t work anymore, it takes a long time to execute the operation and often at the end it exits and I have to log in again, if it manages to complete, it generates some kind of error that takes me back to the Home page.
There are no errors in the log and if I enable the stack trace in the config_override, suitecrm crashes.
The only error highlighted comes from the browser:
The resource from “…/legacy/cache/jsLanguage/Home/en_us.js?v=Hws6xyXUSEzFr66kKnVjFA” has been blocked due to a MIME type mismatch (“text/html”) (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff)
I tried deleting the jsLanguage folder, but that didn’t solve the problem.

Does anyone know how to fix it, please? Thanks

What is the ownership and permissions on that file? You can check with ls -al from inside that directory.

What are the contents of the file? Do you have any custom language strings defined, that might be causing trouble?

permissions are set to 755 and it contains folders related to existing modules (Administration, Home, etc.), but most of them are empty, in some there is the language file en_us.js

:point_up: this file

  • ownership
  • permissions
  • content

Permissions: 644


SUGAR.language.setLanguage('Home', {
    "LBL_MODULE_NAME": "Home",
    "LBL_NEW_FORM_TITLE": "New Contact",
    "LBL_FIRST_NAME": "First Name:",
    "LBL_LAST_NAME": "Last Name:",
    "LBL_LIST_LAST_NAME": "Last Name",
    "LBL_PHONE": "Phone:",
    "LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS": "Email Address:",
    "LBL_MY_PIPELINE_FORM_TITLE": "My Pipeline",
    "LBL_PIPELINE_FORM_TITLE": "Pipeline By Sales Stage",
    "LBL_RGraph_PIPELINE_FORM_TITLE": "Pipeline By Sales Stage",
    "LNK_NEW_CONTACT": "Create Contact",
    "LNK_NEW_ACCOUNT": "Create Account",
    "LNK_NEW_OPPORTUNITY": "Create Opportunity",
    "LNK_NEW_LEAD": "Create Lead",
    "LNK_NEW_CASE": "Create Case",
    "LNK_NEW_NOTE": "Create Note or Attachment",
    "LNK_NEW_CALL": "Log Call",
    "LNK_NEW_EMAIL": "Archive Email",
    "LNK_NEW_MEETING": "Schedule Meeting",
    "LNK_NEW_TASK": "Create Task",
    "LNK_NEW_BUG": "Report Bug",
    "LNK_NEW_SEND_EMAIL": "Compose Email",
    "LBL_NO_ACCESS": "You do not have access to this area. Contact your site administrator to obtain access",
    "LBL_NO_RESULTS_IN_MODULE": "-- No Results --",
    "LBL_NO_RESULTS": "<h2>There were no results found. Please search again.<\/h2><br>",
    "LBL_NO_RESULTS_TIPS": "<h3>Search Tips:<\/h3><ul><li>Make sure you have the proper categories selected above.<\/li><li>Broaden your search criteria.<\/li><li>If you still cannot find any results try the advanced search option.<\/li><\/ul>",
    "LBL_ADD_DASHLETS": "Add SuiteCRM Dashlets",
    "LBL_WEBSITE_TITLE": "Website",
    "LBL_RSS_TITLE": "News Feed",
    "LBL_CLOSE_DASHLETS": "Close",
    "LBL_OPTIONS": "Options",
    "LBL_TODAY": "Today",
    "LBL_YESTERDAY": "Yesterday",
    "LBL_TOMORROW": "Tomorrow",
    "LBL_NEXT_WEEK": "Next Week",
    "LBL_LAST_7_DAYS": "Last 7 Days",
    "LBL_NEXT_7_DAYS": "Next 7 Days",
    "LBL_LAST_MONTH": "Last Month",
    "LBL_NEXT_MONTH": "Next Month",
    "LBL_LAST_YEAR": "Last Year",
    "LBL_NEXT_YEAR": "Next Year",
    "LBL_LAST_30_DAYS": "Last 30 Days",
    "LBL_NEXT_30_DAYS": "Next 30 Days",
    "LBL_THIS_MONTH": "This Month",
    "LBL_THIS_YEAR": "This Year",
    "LBL_MODULES": "Modules",
    "LBL_CHARTS": "Charts",
    "LBL_TOOLS": "Tools",
    "LBL_WEB": "Web",
    "LBL_SEARCH_RESULTS": "Search Result",
    "dashlet_categories_dom": {
        "Module Views": "Module Views",
        "Portal": "Portal",
        "Charts": "Charts",
        "Tools": "Tools",
        "Miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous"
    "LBL_ADDING_DASHLET": "Adding SuiteCRM Dashlet...",
    "LBL_ADDED_DASHLET": "SuiteCRM Dashlet Added",
    "LBL_REMOVE_DASHLET_CONFIRM": "Are you sure you want to remove this SuiteCRM Dashlet?",
    "LBL_REMOVING_DASHLET": "Removing SuiteCRM Dashlet...",
    "LBL_REMOVED_DASHLET": "SuiteCRM Dashlet Removed",
    "LBL_DASHLET_DELETE": "Delete SuiteCRM Dashlet",
    "LBL_DASHLET_REFRESH": "Refresh SuiteCRM Dashlet",
    "LBL_DASHLET_EDIT": "Edit SuiteCRM Dashlet",
    "LBL_HOME_PAGE_1_NAME": "My SuiteCRM",
    "LBL_CLOSE_SITEMAP": "Close",
    "LBL_SEARCH": "Search",
    "LBL_CLEAR": "Clear",
    "LBL_BASIC_CHARTS": "Basic Charts",
    "LBL_DASHLET_SEARCH": "Find SuiteCRM Dashlet",
    "LBL_VERSION": "Version",
    "LBL_BUILD": "Build",
    "LBL_SOURCE_SUGAR": "SugarCRM Inc - providers of CE framework",
    "LBL_DASHLET_TITLE": "My Sites",
    "LBL_DASHLET_INCORRECT_URL": "Incorrect website location is specified",
    "LBL_DASHLET_OPT_URL": "Website Location",
    "LBL_DASHLET_OPT_HEIGHT": "Dashlet Height (in pixels)",
    "LBL_BASIC_SEARCH": "Quick Filter",
    "LBL_ADVANCED_SEARCH": "Advanced Filter",
    "LBL_TOUR_HOME": "Home Icon",
    "LBL_TOUR_HOME_DESCRIPTION": "Quickly get back to your Home Page dashboard in one click.",
    "LBL_TOUR_MODULES": "Modules",
    "LBL_TOUR_MODULES_DESCRIPTION": "All your important modules are here.",
    "LBL_TOUR_MORE": "More Modules",
    "LBL_TOUR_MORE_DESCRIPTION": "The rest of your modules are here.",
    "LBL_TOUR_SEARCH": "Full Text Search",
    "LBL_TOUR_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION": "Search just got a whole lot better.",
    "LBL_TOUR_NOTIFICATIONS": "Notifications",
    "LBL_TOUR_NOTIFICATIONS_DESCRIPTION": "SuiteCRM application notifications would go here.",
    "LBL_TOUR_PROFILE": "Profile",
    "LBL_TOUR_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION": "Access profile, settings and logout.",
    "LBL_TOUR_QUICKCREATE": "Quick Create",
    "LBL_TOUR_QUICKCREATE_DESCRIPTION": "Quickly create records without losing your place.",
    "LBL_TOUR_FOOTER": "Collapsible Footer",
    "LBL_TOUR_FOOTER_DESCRIPTION": "Easily expand and collapse the footer.",
    "LBL_TOUR_CUSTOM": "Custom Apps",
    "LBL_TOUR_CUSTOM_DESCRIPTION": "Custom integrations would go here.",
    "LBL_TOUR_BRAND": "Your Brand",
    "LBL_TOUR_BRAND_DESCRIPTION": "Your logo goes here. You can mouse over for more info.",
    "LBL_TOUR_WELCOME": "Welcome to SuiteCRM",
    "LBL_TOUR_WATCH": "Watch What's New in SuiteCRM",
    "LBL_TOUR_FEATURES": "<ul style=\"\"><li class=\"icon-ok\">New simplifed navigation bar<\/li><li class=\"icon-ok\">New collapsible footer<\/li><li class=\"icon-ok\">Improved Search<\/li><li class=\"icon-ok\">Updated actions menu<\/li><\/ul><p>and much more!<\/p>",
    "LBL_TOUR_VISIT": "For more information please visit our application",
    "LBL_TOUR_DONE": "You're Done!",
    "LBL_TOUR_REFERENCE_1": "You can always reference our",
    "LBL_TOUR_REFERENCE_2": "through the \"Support Forum\" link under the profile tab.",
    "LNK_TOUR_DOCUMENTATION": "documentation",
    "LBL_TOUR_CALENDAR_URL_1": "Do you share your SuiteCRM calendar with 3rd party applications, such as Microsoft Outlook or Exchange? If so, you have a new URL. This new, more secure URL includes a personal key which will prevent unauthorized publishing of your calendar.",
    "LBL_TOUR_CALENDAR_URL_2": "Retrieve your new shared calendar URL.",
    "LBL_CONTRIBUTORS": "Contributors",
    "LBL_ABOUT_SUITE": "About SuiteCRM",
    "LBL_PARTNERS": "Partners",
    "LBL_FEATURING": "AOS, AOW, AOR, AOP, AOE and Reschedule modules by SalesAgility.",
    "LBL_EDIT_ALL_RECURRENCES": "Edit All Recurrences",
    "LBL_REMOVE_ALL_RECURRENCES": "Delete All Recurrences",
    "LBL_CONFIRM_REMOVE": "Are you sure you want to remove the record?",
    "LBL_CONTRIBUTOR_SUITECRM": "SuiteCRM - Open source CRM for the world",
    "LBL_CONTRIBUTOR_SECURITY_SUITE": "SecuritySuite by Jason Eggers",
    "LBL_CONTRIBUTOR_JJW_GMAPS": "JJWDesign Google Maps by Jeffrey J. Walters",
    "LBL_CONTRIBUTOR_CONSCIOUS": "SuiteCRM LOGO Provided by Conscious Solutions",
    "LBL_CONTRIBUTOR_RESPONSETAP": "Contribution to SuiteCRM 7.3 release by ResponseTap",
    "LBL_CONTRIBUTOR_GMBH": "Workflow Calculated Fields contributed by diligent technology & business consulting GmbH",
    "LBL_LANGUAGE_ABOUT": "About SuiteCRM Translations",
    "LBL_LANGUAGE_COMMUNITY_ABOUT": "Collaborative translation by the SuiteCRM Community",
    "LBL_LANGUAGE_COMMUNITY_PACKS": "Translation created using Crowdin",
    "LBL_ABOUT_SUITE_2": "SuiteCRM is published under an open source licence - AGPLv3",
    "LBL_ABOUT_SUITE_4": "All SuiteCRM code managed and developed by the project will be released as open source - AGPLv3",
    "LBL_ABOUT_SUITE_5": "SuiteCRM support is available in both free and paid-for options",
    "LBL_SUITE_PARTNERS": "We have loyal SuiteCRM partners who are passionate about open source. To view our full partner list, see our website.",
    "LBL_SAVE_BUTTON": "Save",
    "LBL_DELETE_BUTTON": "Delete",
    "LBL_APPLY_BUTTON": "Apply",
    "LBL_SEND_INVITES": "Save & Send Invites",
    "LBL_CANCEL_BUTTON": "Cancel",
    "LBL_CLOSE_BUTTON": "Close",
    "LBL_CREATE_NEW_RECORD": "Create Activity",
    "LBL_CREATE_CALL": "Log Call",
    "LBL_CREATE_MEETING": "Schedule Meeting",
    "LBL_GENERAL_TAB": "Details",
    "LBL_PARTICIPANTS_TAB": "Invitees",
    "LBL_REPEAT_TAB": "Recurrence",
    "LBL_REPEAT_TYPE": "Repeat",
    "LBL_REPEAT_END": "End",
    "LBL_REPEAT_END_AFTER": "After",
    "LBL_REPEAT_OCCURRENCES": "recurrences",
    "LBL_REPEAT_END_BY": "By",
    "LBL_REPEAT_DOW": "On",
    "LBL_REPEAT_UNTIL": "Repeat Until",
    "LBL_REPEAT_COUNT": "Number of recurrences",
    "LBL_REPEAT_LIMIT_ERROR": "Your request was going to create more than $limit meetings.",
    "LNK_EVENT": "Event",
    "LNK_EVENT_VIEW": "View Event",
    "LBL_DATE": "Date: ",
    "LBL_DURATION": "Duration: ",
    "LBL_NAME": "Title: ",
    "LBL_HOUR_ABBREV": "hour",
    "LBL_HOURS_ABBREV": "hours",
    "LBL_MINSS_ABBREV": "minutes",
    "LBL_LOCATION": "Location:",
    "LBL_STATUS": "Status:",
    "LBL_DESCRIPTION": "Description: ",
    "LBL_ELASTIC_SEARCH_EXCEPTION_SEARCH_INVALID_REQUEST": "An error has occurred while performing the search. Your query syntax might not be valid.",
    "LBL_ELASTIC_SEARCH_EXCEPTION_SEARCH_ENGINE_NOT_FOUND": "Unable to find the requested SearchEngine. Try performing the search again.",
    "LBL_ELASTIC_SEARCH_EXCEPTION_NO_NODES_AVAILABLE": "Failed to connect to the Elasticsearch server.",
    "LBL_ELASTIC_SEARCH_EXCEPTION_SEARCH": "An error internal to the Search has occurred.",
    "LBL_ELASTIC_SEARCH_EXCEPTION_DEFAULT": "An unknown error has occurred while performing the search.",
    "LBL_ELASTIC_SEARCH_EXCEPTION_END_MESSAGE": "Contact an administrator if the problem persists. More information available in the logs.",
    "LBL_ELASTIC_SEARCH_EXCEPTION_MISSING_INDEX": "The search index for one or more modules could not be found. Please make sure that crontab is configured and running, open the Elasticsearch configuration and click \"Schedule full indexing\" and consider creating a Scheduler job \"Elasticsearch Indexer\" when not existent.",
    "LBL_ELASTIC_SEARCH_DEFAULT": "No results matching your search criteria. Try broadening your search.",
    "LNK_TASK_VIEW": "View Task"

Property: ?

Permissions mean nothing without ownerships. You should always look at both simultaneously, and report both here in the forums.

Just cd into the directory and type

ls -al

Here is an example:

$ cd public/legacy/cache/jsLanguage/Home
$ ls -al
total 20
drwxrwsrwx  2 pgr      www-data 4096 May 13 12:19 .
drwxrwsrwx 20 pgr      www-data 4096 May 20 12:15 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 www-data www-data 9134 May 13 12:19 en_us.js

So I know the file is owned by user:group www-data:www-data

ok, this is the result of ls -al of …/jsLanguage/Home

drwxrwxr-x 2 pntestbi pntestbi 4096 Aug 12 19:37 .
drwxr-xr-x 15 pntestbi pntestbi 4096 Aug 12 19:37 .. 
-rw-r--r-- 1 pntestbi pntestbi 9134 Aug 12 19:37 en_us.js

Sorry for not replying sooner. That should be okay if (and only if) your web server user is pntestbi.

Other than that, I don’t know what could be happening. With MIME type problems sometimes the issue can be related to web server configurations, but I don’t know much about that part…

I believe there is actually something wrong with R&R. I posted recently that I tried to import a module and do a R&R in SuiteCRM 8 and it did not work. Others commented that they were having issues with R&R as well.

Repair & Rebuild does not sync vardefs w/DB SuiteCRM 8