Problems with Open Reports in SQL Syntax

I just installed fresh SuiteCRM appps on the server and populate it with demo data but when i try to run the reports, it returned fail message with sugarcrm log as follow

Mon Dec  2 11:28:40 2013 [18552][1][FATAL] Error running count query for AOR_Report List:  Query Failed: SELECT count(*) c FROM (SELECT AS 'leads_id', leads.date_entered AS 'Date Created0', leads_cstm.practice_name_c AS 'Practice Name1' FROM leads LEFT JOIN leads_cstm leads_cstm ON = leads_cstm.id_c  WHERE leads.deleted = 0  GROUP BY leads.date_entered, leads_cstm.practice_name_c ORDER BY Date Created0 ASC, Practice Name1 ASC) as n: MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Created0 ASC, Practice Name1 ASC) as n' at line 1

Previously i try to run the report that i made but it also returns error as follow

Mon Dec  2 11:26:53 2013 [18550][1][FATAL] Error running count query for AOR_Report List:  Query Failed: SELECT count(*) c FROM (SELECT AS 'leads_id', leads_cstm.practice_name_c AS 'Practice Name0', leads.date_entered AS 'Date Created1' FROM leads LEFT JOIN leads_cstm leads_cstm ON = leads_cstm.id_c  WHERE leads.deleted = 0  GROUP BY leads_cstm.practice_name_c, leads.date_entered ORDER BY Practice Name0 ASC, Date Created1 ASC) as n: MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Name0 ASC, Date Created1 ASC) as n' at line 1
Mon Dec  2 11:27:00 2013 [18552][1][FATAL]  Query Failed: SELECT id FROM aor_field WHERE aor_field.aor_report_id = 'cd26c4e8-f188-4136-25fc-529c0903c241' AND aor_field.deleted=0: MySQL error 1146: Table 'suitecrm.aor_field' doesn't exist
Mon Dec  2 11:28:39 2013 [18552][1][FATAL] aor_reports for aor_report_aor_fields failed to load

If anyone can give me suggestion whatā€™s wrong with the OpenReport with mentioned fail messages


Hi firmans,

Thanks for highlighting this issue. What database are you running on?



I am running mysql database

Hi firmans,

What version of mysql? Did your install run without error?



Hi will,

i run mysql 5.5 and no error in the beginning of the installation as well as after that, all modules working well, but only the openreports experience that problem

I have tried to look through search engines about similar but canā€™t find one, the closest one i found is case occurs to MS SSQL but i don;t use it in our installation

What is possible happening yah :slight_smile:

Not sure if this is related but though would ask here as well:

New install of:
Suite CRM 7.10
MySQL 5.5.34
Ubuntu Linux

When I try to run a report Iā€™ve created SuiteCRM reports:
ā€œDatabase failure. Please refer to sugarcrm.log for details.ā€

Error running count query for AOR_Report List: Query Failed: Select count(*) c From (Select AS ā€˜opportunities_idā€™, opportunities.assigned_user_id AS 'Assigned User0 ASC) as n: MySQL error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the rright syntax to use near ā€˜User0 ASC) as nā€™ at line 1

There is data in the database, what could be happening?



Hi marekb,

There looks like there is an error in the query @ 'Assigned User0. This should be ā€˜Assigned Userā€™. This may be causing the issue.



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Thanks for responding so quickly Will

I didnā€™t create the code, I used the inbuilt report builder. Is there a setting or something else I should be using/doing?


Hi marekb,

This may be an issue with the query generated by the module. What kind of report are you trying to generate, can you send some screenshots?



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I am also getting this same error with reports. I can generate ANY report and it will work fine. Until I add a ā€œsortā€ function in the ā€œDisplay Fieldsā€. Either ascending or descending will throw the error. No sort order and it generates reports fine. Although they are hard to read as they are unsorted. :slight_smile:

It appears to be a broken query from the reports moduleā€¦

Hi there,

The bug related to sorting in Advanced OpenReports has been fixed in the bug fix release version 7.0.2 of SuiteCRM.

