Problems with install

LOL. I contacted them this morning because the cpanel interface wouldn’t let me create a subdomain (it was locking up with an error which resolved itself later in the afternoon) and they told me to create an entirely new domain and start a fresh install of Wordpress.

I’m sure there is a way I could check this myself from CLI. I’ll get back to you on that one. EDIT: The way is to query the apache2handler.

#apachectl -M | grep rewrite did not work, permission denied

I do know have an option within the Cpanel to redirect:

I read on a forum post they were running Apache LiteSpeed on their server and had the same problem. I just copied that phpinfo.php into the main directory, and it, and started going through it because I’m also supposed to be able to see if mod_rewrite is enabled by doing do.

So far, I see nothing in the configure command section.

I so see “Virtual Directory Support” is disabled??? Doesn’t this whole thing run on that?

I also see I’m running Apache Litespeed.

You are more than welcome to pull it up at https://crm3.nordcybersecuritydotcom/phpinfo.php

Just now getting around to it:

So I contacted support and I think they’re full of S$$T

Regardless, I think I’m probably better off using the redirect options in the control panel.

Even better yet, my bluehost support, avoided providing me the survey, so I couldn’t rate the fact he didn’t know what he/she was talking about:

Redirects in control panel don’t work either.

The only way I can get to the install page is by entering


When I click proceed I still get the blank page.

So, now based upon the fact that I have now spent more than 2 weeks trying to get something to work which should work by being extracted, file permissions changed, etc.,

I don’t see the return in this product for me.

Monday is up and ready to go (granted it’s not open source like I really wanted):

At the most, I would have to pay $28.00 per month vs hosted SuiteCRM @ $100

I perservere, I have tried, and I can no longer waste time trying to make a product work that doesn’t work in a shared hosted environment. And I’m certainly not going to pay or another hosting platform which cost more time and energy than one I can simply pay for and have no worries.

Whoever is putting out these install packages needs to get it together. We should be able to unzip and go.

I can appreciate you’re frustrated, but please consider there have been three or four people here trying to help you out of the goodness of their heart. SuiteCRM is free and open source and supported by a community of good people like the ones that tried to help you.

It’s very unusual mod_rewrite isn’t available in your shared hosting. You can get a VPS and set it up however you want (or choose alternate hosting), for what you’re paying for shared hosting. This is really an issue with your hosting provider and not a SuiteCRM issue.

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I thank each and every one of you who have assisted me.

I cannot justify a VPS for one product. If I did VPS, I would need to move my main WordPress site over, as well as Moodle (Learning Management System). Additionally, for the cost of the VPS, I could simply pay for an already hosted version of whatever CRM I decide upon and not have to worry about updates, what breaks, maintenance, etc. Plus all the time it would take to make the move to a VPS. I don’t see the rationale in doing so.

I used to use SugarCRM Community Edition. Had it set up on my shared hosting server long ago. It worked great. I could even import my text messages, emails, etc., so when clients wanted to know where their time was spent, I could just do a dump and they could see or they could log in and look at what was being done behind the scenes.

I agree that it is strange that mod_rewrite isn’t available. But, according to what I have found on the internet, if it were enabled, phpinfo.php would have shown it as a module, and it did not. Perhaps that answers the question of why each time I made changes to the .htaccess files, they never worked.
The initial .htaccess file contained a line that began <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>. Apparently that is used to check for mod_rewrite.With this check, the directives fail silently masking the underlying cause. Without this wrapper the site will break with an easily identifiabable.

However, in researching what this actually does, it just shortens the forward facing URL so the user doesn’t get to see where the file is actually at.

If that is the case, I can deal with seeing the full URL.

And it shouldn’t prevent the install from running entirely.

I have not modified the .htaccess in the new install. The autogenerated .htaccess residing a has this in it:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
RewriteRule ^./?(.*)$ “$1” [R=301,L]

According to, to get mod_rewwrite specific log messages, I can:

tail -f error_log|fgrep ‘[rewrite:’

So I ran that at terminal, and it’s been processing for about 5 minutes.

If there are no logs, that should verify mod_rewrite is not enabled.

Why can’t I just use the redirects option from CPanel?

“The Redirects interface allows you to send all of the visitors of a domain or particular page to a different URL. For example, if you create a page with a long URL, use the Redirects interface to add a redirect from a short URL to the long URL. Visitors can enter the short URL to access the content of the long URL”

It seems they both have the same functionality, and it seems both rely upon mod_rewrite. So why would this option be available in my cpanel if mod_rewrite was not enabled?

" When you add a redirect with cPanel interface, the system places redirect rules at the bottom of the .htaccess file."

.htaccess is processed from the top down.

You can try but without mod_rewrite, I don’t think it’s going to work for you properly. When SuiteCRM goes to look for 
your it will never find it because it will be at your

If that’s the case, then I’m wondering why in the .htacess file under the the public directory of the Suite CRM install contains the following comments:


What does SuiteCRM consider the “front controller?”

I’m also wondering if uncommenting this line would help:


Within Cpanel redirects, I created a redirect to “https://crm3.nordcybersecuritydotcom/public/” which contains the index.php, the install.php and all the contents to launch the install.

Then added DirectoryIndex index.php to .htacces file in the .htaccess file right in directory, and left all the rewrites as initially configured:


So now if I enter, it takes me to the install page. I note this, because before I had to specify**public/**install.php

Now it just goes where it’s supposed to land:

But clicking on proceed gives me a blank page still.

However, when I click proceed

But that’s where extracting the install put the file, not me. So there has to be something built into it which back references

I guess I could move all the files in public over to the main directory to see what that does.

Perhaps that will fix everything.

But the redirect takes any landing or access to and redirects it to /public. And when I say I receive a blank page, it’s actually returning blank on index.php. Because when I view the source, I can see it’s referencing “SuiteCRM” for the title. And I see SuiteCRM on the tab. So it’s getting there, it’s just not producing and results.

And when I get to the installer by typing in, I do see the checks page, but clicking on process doesn’t going anywhere.

And in viewing the page source, this is what I see:

So I’m getting to the right place, it’s just the “proceed” option isn’t fulfilling it’s part to install.

Hey @JoyceNord,

From what I understood your hosting does not allow you to have mod_rewrite.

I think there is one alternative you can try.

  1. Go to to https://crm3.nordcybersecuritycom/public/install.php

  2. Since you don’t have errors, instead of clicking proceed, go to https://crm3.nordcybersecuritycom/public/index.php

  3. On the install page keep the index.php on “Url of SuiteCRM instance”. This should allow you to use the system, check the following screenshots.

Note: with this setup using index.php, the changes you’ve added to .htaccess above might not be needed

Question: (maybe it was already discussed) are you able to point https://crm3.nordcybersecuritycom/ directly to the public folder? Having the root folder of SuiteCRM 8 exposed to the web could be a security risk.

  • I think usually the cpanel sub domain config allows for that.

I have no idea what you mean when you state:

I think there is one alternative you can try.

Go to to https://crm3.nordcybersecuritycom/public/install.php

Since you don’t have errors, instead of clicking proceed, go to https://crm3.nordcybersecuritycom/public/index.php

On the install page keep the index.php on “Url of SuiteCRM instance”. This should allow you to use the system, check the following screenshots.

As there is no option on the install page to “keep the index.php” on “url of SuiteCRM instance” because I can’t even get to that part of the install. I get to the Pre-installation requirements check. When I click on proceed, it goes to a blank page and does nothing. The page I land on and nothing happens past when I click proceed:

To answer this question:

Question: (maybe it was already discussed) are you able to point https://crm3.nordcybersecuritycom/ directly to the public folder? Having the root folder of SuiteCRM 8 exposed to the web could be a security risk.

I used Cpanel options to create a redirect directly to the public folder, which was mentioned above which was how I was able to get to the install page finally using “” instead of “”

See below:

Hey @JoyceNord,

After going to the pre-install page and clicking proceed:

  • on the address bar at the top add “index.php”
    • that is what I meant by going to

When you do that and go to the url

You should see this page

On the page above, there is a field with title “URL OF SUITECRM INSTANCE”. On this field leave the index.php at the end like on the example from the screenshot above

I know what I’m supposed to see. It never gets there. I go to the install page with the checks:

I click proceed as highlighted here :

And it returns a blank page like you see here (it wants to go to “https://crm3.nordcybersecurityDOTcom/public/#/install” as you can see in http address at the top:

If i enter that URL manually this is what I get:

Hey @JoyceNord,

I originally thought your issue was mostly related with the mod_rewrite but there seems to be more.

I see you are getting a Invalid CSRF token. There could be an underlying issue

  • In .env, could you try changing your APP_ENV to qa, then deleting the contents of the cache folder? this should give more info on the graphql calls in network tab

Are you referring to here:

and this cache:

Let me know, and I’ll get on it.


Hey @JoyceNord ,

Like @rsp said, yes that is it.

Made the changes, accessed the SuiteCRM install.php, still have errors, but now they’re more detailed; however, they are so long, I can’t copy and paste them here, nor can I upload an attachment with them in it. Let me see if I can c/p to a document and share.

The error starts off like this:

I c/p to Notepad++ which retains formatting without an IDE.

It still basically indicates the same error:

Where it’s trying to fetch graphql from, does not exist, because does not exist.

So what am I missing?

Hey @JoyceNord,

From the screenshot you’ve sent there it seems that there is an error reading from session. The server does not have access.

 m O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory

Ok so how do I fix this?

It should definitely have permissions:

The directory that it can’t read is the session directory, in a zone that seems to be common to the entire server, which in a shared hosting is not going to be something you can set permission on. But it should “just work”.

Note that the error doesn’t say it’s a matter of permissions, it’s possible that the file just doesn’t exist anymore. Sessions sometimes get cleaned up, or the browser gets some broken cached reference (which could go away with simply a hard refresh, Ctrl-F5). For session errors I also often just try it on a different browser to see if the problem is the same or not.