Problems Printing in Suite R Theme

Prints generated from the Suite R theme, yield unwanted long urls on the printed material. This appears to be similar to the issue previously reported here, however, the fix provided in that thread don’t seem to work for me. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. See attached files.

PS. This isn’t an issue with the other theme - Suite 7

In the style.css file (in custom/themes/SutieR/css), find the “@media print” selector and add the display: none property to everything you want to remove. That one in particular is, I believe, the pseudo-class #links. Here’s the list of stuff we took out for ours, which we needed to be very clean-looking:

@media print {
#ygddfdiv, #create_link, td.buttons, td.paginationWrapper, h4, .yui-nav, span.glyphicon.glyphicon-th-list, .pagination, .serverstats, img, #links, a.utilsLink, footer, li.single, #copyright_data, .clickMenu, .navbar-inverse, .sidebar, .sugar_action_button{
display: none;

Thanks for the suggestion. However, in my /custom/themes folder, the only sub-folder I see is “default”. Am I to copy all the themes files over into the /custom/themes directory? Please advise, thanks.

Yeah, you can make the folders manually. In /custom/themes, make a new one called SuiteR, then within that make one called css. Copy the style.css document from /themes/SuiteR/css into that folder and you can make changes to it. You can also make changes to /themes/SuiteR/css/style.css, but they won’t be upgrade-safe.

Oh okay I get it, sort of like the child themes concept in Wordpress. Anything I put in the /custom folder will be loaded instead of the original and is upgrade safe. Thanks, I shall do as suggested on my test instance and report back.