Problem with SecuritySuite on a clean Install

SuiteCRM 7.0.1

We have a warning on top of each page :
“Warning! SecuritySuite no longer matches the version of Sugar that you are running. SecuritySuite will not work correctly until updated to 6.5.16. Upgrade now to SecuritySuite for 6.5.16”

Should I update to a new (community version) of SecuritySuite ?
Any user with this problem ?

the upgrade should have upgraded security suite for you, but its seems its just not updated the config, did the upgrade complete successfully?

to fix go into config.php and change the security suite version to 6.5.16

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We redid the securitysuite upgrade and it worked fine.

Thanks !

Hey. I’m having the same issue but there’s nothing in the config.php for security suite. Can I just add a line somewhere with it and what is the syntax/format?

I added:

‘securitysuite_version’ => ‘6.5.16’,

under the line for sugar_version.
