Problem with Report After Upgrade to 7.2

My problem after the 7.2 upgrade is with the editing of reports. I can’t do it. Nothing is available (fields, etc.) No drag and drop, nothing.

Ran the upgrade and re-ran the upgrade but was unable to get beyond the file upload stage. I manually took the aor_utils.php file from the revised upgrade archive and copied to the appropriate directory per instructions.

Didn’t fix it.

I’ve also ran into issues after the upgrade with Ajax going wonky on the QuickCRM module also (couldn’t select fields for drag and drop.) I don’t know if this is related but it’s a pain.

If your upgrade was incomplete, you are going to have issues.

Were any errors given when you could not get past the file upload stage?

If it white screened, you should turn on error reporting, and be able to debug.

On the report field selection, have you selected a module to add fields from? Your screen shot has the top cut off, so I cannot see.

Do you have any errors in your sugarcrm.log?



I also have exactly this problem.
Upgrade went successfully, no errors.
All reports new and edited have this problem.


Clearing the browser cache seemed to fix it up for me.


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Had the same problem…

Your tip save me the day.
