Problem with outgoing mail account

Good morning,

we have suite CRM version 7.14 and our problem is the configuration of outgoing mail account mailboxes.

We have some mailboxes added in the list as ‘group’ and some as ‘personal’. From the two administrator accounts, these mailboxes when we write an email are visible. An ordinary user does not see them at all.

What should be done to make users assigned to a particular group, to a particular department also see these mailboxes?

Is it required for an administrator to add a mailbox from his level on a given user’s device? Or does the user have to become an administrator for a while to add and configure these mailboxes?

We care about this very much, because the entire department is to use one group address, and we do not know how to configure it exactly - step by step - properly at each user.

Please support us and preferably step-by-step instructions where we should take all these steps to configure this properly.

An additional question - is it possible for each of these users within this group mailbox to have their own individual footer in the email with their name, or is there an option for a group footer only?

Translated with (free version)

Group emails do not work in SuiteCRM.

Only the Administrator can see group emails.

So then I have two additional questions:

  1. if group emails don’t work, why setting outgoing groups emails?
  2. or is it more a matter of users not seeing the possibility of sending emails, and where is this set? But they can use it after proper configuration?

@pstevens please send help

There are a number of technical issues pteventing group emails from working, they are detailed in my bug report on github. Long story short only admins will see the inbox because admins bypass security checks. I can’t remember if the outbound will work for non admin users but my guess is no because it would be subject to a security filter in showing the list of accounts they have access to send from.