1 - Tried a myemail@mydomain.com address.Tried with Port 587 and SSL; tried with Port 465 and TLS . I also called live support of my email provider company and they advised a special/designated SMTP server detail. It is company 1und1, one German subsidiary of United Internet, a large provider. The detail is "try mrvnet.kundenserver.de with Port 587 and SSL. I did, it failed.
2- Tried a myemail@gmail.com address.Tried with Port 587 and SSL; tried with Port 465 and TLS
Failure always indicated with the exact same Error message: “Error: The following From address failed: …”
Isn’t there a comprehensive step-by-step tutorial for the successful setup of email, please?
My experience: I created a special mailbox "system@domain1.com" and configured SuiteCRM to use it to send notices via that mailbox (e.g. an Account has been assigned to you).
However, when it sent email, by default it sends these via the mailbox "system@domain1.com" yet identifies the “Send-From” email address as the RECIPIENT’s email address. This triggered a filter for “forged sender” (since the email pretended that the email was from the recipient, but of course the recipient didn’t actually send this email).
Eventually I think I was able to make changes so that these emails were sent from system@domain1.com with system@domain1.com as the FROM/SENDER email address. (I’m not 100% certain since I’ve moved on to evaluating other aspects of SuiteCRM.)
I also experienced confusion when configuring my personal email inside SuiteCRM – once again, I found that my outgoing email from markwelch@domain2.com, when sent by SuiteCRM, was actually being sent through the system@domain1.com mailbox, thus triggering the “forged sender” filter. I was able to change this, though I think there may still be a drop-down selection requred every time a new email is created for SuiteCRM to send.
More obscure: because my ISP authorizes SMTP using “check-before-send” (instead of separate login authentication), I could not actually send email until I also configured it SuiteCRM to also check and retrieve inbound email from that same mailbox.
@markwelch Although you also still have issues to get solved, you’re better than me, because at least you made the system send some mail some wrong way. Here not even that. Still hoping for some advice.
We are having similar issues with setting up email.
We can’t get emails to send out through SMTP. Have tried through google and our local server.
Is there some kind of checklist that shows what needs to be set up on the server side of things so that we can use a Google email address (gmail or google apps business email account) to send SMTP emails out?
Does Suite CRM or Sale Agility sell an hour of support to login to our system and hosting setup to see if what needs to be changed?
We have been at this for many hours now looking at SugarCRM documentation and forum threads as well as SuiteCRM posts and are about to give up so hopefully someone can help us out here. We are willing to pay for some support to get this resolved.
This problem is mostly solved. My email provider had previously given false credentials. Now corrected.
If you are in Germany and your provider is 1und1 Co., then this might work for you also: mrvnet.kundenserver.de
Port 25
Consequence: Only unscrambled.
It looks like none of those gmail alternatives would ever work as long as the CRM system is hosted on a server of 1und1 Co. because their port security settings wouldn’t let the information pass before it reaches gmail. Neither their normal smtp servers regardless the port and SSL/TLS setting. And that circumstance is what made it look so strange for me and at first suspect that a CRM software defect was the cause for the malfunction.