Problem with Admin page (/suitecrm/index.php?module=Administration&action=index) - Blank page on sr-RS language and with LogOut options


we have problem with Admin page (/suitecrm/index.php?module=Administration&action=index) - Blank page on sr-RS language and with LogOut options (Blank page too).

Thanks and regards,


I am having the same issue. Any suggestions?

I also can’t logout - receive a blank page after logging out, but still in the system.

No one else is able to log in either for we are unable to reach the login screen, and instead have a blank screen.

Was the problem listed above resolved?

We had the same problem: Admin page was blank. I’ve debugged why: The Zend library script that module AOD_Index includes and uses, can throw Exceptions, while there is no system that catches these Exceptions, resulting in script execution being stopped without any feedback: blank page.

In our case the Exception that was being thrown was: ‘‘Utf8 compatible lower case filter needs mbstring extension to be enabled.’’

After installing the mbstring extension our problem was solved.