Problem in conditions with parent type value

Hi all!
I have changed the modules that you can select in a Flex relate field. For this, I edited the following dropdown list: parent_type_display
After this, I haven’t had any problems with the modules that I have used this type of field. However, my problem is when I need to use the value of the Parent Type in a condition because I can’t select anything:

(I have the same problem in reports and workflows)
Could someone help me? Should I edit another dropdown list? Thanks!


Hi @mtruanru,

        $app_list_strings['moduleList']['Module_Name'] = 'Put Any Name';
    $app_list_strings['Put Dropdown_Name'] = array (
     'all' => 'All',
     'Leads' => 'Leads',
     'Accounts' => 'Accounts',
     'Contacts' => 'Contacts',
     'Opportunities' => 'Opportunities',
     'Tasks' => 'Tasks',
     'Notes' => 'Notes',
     'Home' => 'Home',

Note:- custom\Extension\Application\Ext\Module_Name with lang

Please follow the step…
Maybe it is helpful to you.
Thank You

It can also be done from the UI, in Admin / Dropdown editor.

Note that there might be side-effects to changing values like “assigned” or “converted”, because the system’s code uses those values.