Problem after login!


I have installed SuiteCRM and when I login, it takes me to a page that looks strange and not well-formatted.

No matter which button I click on there is no change.

I have attached a screenshot so you can see what it looks like.

Can someone please tell me what I am missing here and what I need to do next.?

Thank you,

definitely file permissions, check them and try again.

best regards

You are absolutely right. It was the permission issue. It is working now.

Thank you!

Hi , Can you please tell me exactly what permission issue you had and what you changed. I have exactly the same problem as you and tried changing a few permissions but no luck. If possible can you just guide me the few steps you did.

Thanks in advance.

I’m not the person you asked, but all the files in your suite directory should be owned by the user that apache runs as. Also most files/subdirectories in Suite should have permissions set to 755, but the following files/directories should be set to 775:

cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

Once you have the correct permissions I’d also try running a repair and rebuild.

I’m not the person you asked, but all the files in your suite directory should be owned by the user that apache runs as. Also most files/subdirectories in Suite should have permissions set to 755, but the following files/directories should be set to 775:

cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php

Once you have the correct permissions I’d also try running a repair and rebuild.

Hi Ewan

Thanks for your quick reply. I came across a message similar to yours yesterday on the forum (guess must have been from you) and tried exactly what you said apart form running a repair and rebuild. It did not work out. I am slightly confused on the ‘owned by the the user that apache runs on’ as i am running it on hostmonster and I have kept the admin details the same. Is there anything I should look at in particular.

Thanks again.

If you have access to a command line then the following will show you the apache user:

ps aux | egrep '(apache|httpd)

For me as I use Ubuntu the apache user is www-data and I would navigate to the suite directory and run the following command:

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .

If you can’t ssh into server and use the command line then you may have to contact hostmonster’s support and ask them to help with this.

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Hi Dave,

If you are still having exactly the same problem as I had (see the first posting in this thread), here is what helped me.

I am using the web hosting company, Hostgator. If you are using a web hosting company, please call them to find out if you can use ssh and also read their guidelines.

I am using Mac.

Step #1: open the terminal.

Step #2
ssh -p 2222 username@ip_address

username is your cpanel user name.
for ip_address you can log into your billing portal and you should be able to see the ip_address in your account.

step#3: it will ask you for the password. Type your password for your cpanel.

Step#4: use linux simple command cd to go to SuiteCRM directory

Step #5 : use the command pwd to make sure that you are in the right directory and use ls -l to see the current permissions.

Step #6: change the permissions with the command below
chmod -R 755 cache

Once you are done, you do ls -l to make sure that the permissions have changed.

If you logout and login again, you should be ok.

I hope this helps.

Good luck!

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Thanks to both of you. I used CKing instructions and it worked for me. Really appreciate all the help.

