Probem to access in my custom module

Hello !

I create a new module “XYZ”

When i want enter in this module with my account admin, i CAN
but when i create a new account (just user) i can’t enter in this new module, its write (You do not have access to this area. Contact your site administrator to obtain access.)

I have checked ALL security and ALL is allowed. I don’t understand

King regards.


Can you try running “Repair Roles” in the admin section?



finally i delete and i create again my module and its work so… its ok :slight_smile:

Thank you for your answer.

Hi team,

hey thanks for your advice. I had the same issue and using the repair tool for Repair Roles worked a charm!


After I tried the repair roles, I get to this seemed to be frozen page:
Adding for Leads
Adding for Cases
Adding for Bugs
Adding for ProspectLists
Adding for Prospects
Adding for Project
Adding for ProjectTask
Adding for Campaigns
Adding for EmailMarketing
Adding for Users
Adding for Contacts
Adding for Accounts
Adding for Opportunities
Adding for EmailTemplates
Adding for Notes
Adding for Calls
Adding for Emails
Adding for Meetings
Adding for Tasks
Adding for Users
Adding for Alerts
Adding for Documents
Adding for Spots
Adding for EAPM
Adding for AM_ProjectTemplates
Adding for AM_TaskTemplates
Adding for AOK_Knowledge_Base_Categories
Adding for AOK_KnowledgeBase
Adding for FP_events
Adding for FP_Event_Locations
Adding for AOD_IndexEvent
Adding for AOD_Index
Adding for AOP_Case_Events
Adding for AOP_Case_Updates
Adding for AOR_Reports
Adding for AOR_Scheduled_Reports
Adding for AOS_Contracts
Adding for AOS_Invoices
Adding for AOS_PDF_Templates
Adding for AOS_Product_Categories
Adding for AOS_Products
Adding for AOS_Quotes
Adding for AOW_WorkFlow
Adding for AOW_Processed
Adding for jjwg_Maps
Adding for jjwg_Markers
Adding for jjwg_Areas
Adding for jjwg_Address_Cache
Adding for Calls_Reschedule
Adding for SecurityGroups
Adding for OutboundEmailAccounts
Adding for TemplateSectionLine
Adding for SurveyResponses
Adding for Surveys
Adding for SurveyQuestionResponses
Adding for SurveyQuestions
Adding for SurveyQuestionOptions