Print to PDF - Popup window/template chooser

Good Afternoon,

I created a lot of pdf templates as we deal with different vendors, I now have a problem when pressing “Print to PDF”, the floating popup window can’t be moved or scrolled down, I can’t see the rest of my templates to choose. (see screenshot)

I thought it might help to create a module for PDF template categories, hoping that it would rather bring up the catogories and then be able to choose the template (just to shorten this list)

I need help to edit the properties of this “print to pdf” popup window - or to just disable it, as the quote itself is already assigned to a template

I’ve waisted alot of time trying to figure this out,

So I hope the techies here can assist please

With some luck this new feature might solve your problem…

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Yes, it will. The modal height gets adjusted according to the Template lists, And you can scroll down to choose the Template and be able to choose the last template without any problem.

Let’s wait for the PR to get merged.

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I’ve upgrade to 7.11.3 when it was released, and the pdf popup template chooser did not change,
now upgrade to 7.11.4 and its still the same old UN-scrollable block - Am I the only one experiencing this?

Hello Riv,

We have checked with the SuiteCRM 7.11.3 and PDF Templates selection is showing properly with the Popup. Might be it is the issue of your cache. You can connect us on the Skype so we can look into it better. Our Skype id is: urdhvatech.

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Thank you for your feedback and willingness to assist!
Will skype you tommorrow


I confirmed that Those changes are not applied for the quotes module.

Good Morning,

So since my last post when we were still on 7.11.4

We’ve upgraded to Version 7.11.8 and we’re still having the same issue with the Popup window for PDF templates

The issue was fixed for accounts module only - but not for quotes module, which is obviously where you print pdf’s the most

Can someone please advise if the changes that was made will be applied to the quotes module soon?? This is really getting frustrating


Does anyone know which Github Issue fixed this for Accounts, so I can have a look? I searched briefly but couldn’t find it…


Apparently it was fixed for the Accounts Module but not for the Quotes Module - which we use 24/7

Any idea if the fix will be duplicated to Quotes module any time soon?

I’m pretty sure it won’t, unless we can find the previous fix on Github and have a look at it.

Or you just open a new issue on Github, but there are many of those, if we can get a headstart by understanding what was fixed before, I guess it would increase the chances of this issue being taken care of with brevity…

Hi Pgr,

This is the Github fix - but was only implemented on the accounts module
PR #6823

I need this desperately on the quotes/invoices module

Much Appreciated

It’s a complicated fix, and I’m no good with Javascript…

Maybe you can post on that issue asking for the developer’s help? The fix was supposed to apply to the entire SuiteCRM app, it was actually making everything more consistent (and more functional).

As a quick workaround:

in this line

add a couple of styles

overflow-y: auto; height: 300px;

That doesn’t look good when there are only a few Templates, but it does show a scrollbar when there are many… maybe you can perfect it.

Thank you very much Pgr,

But I’m no good with the back-end of the program - :huh:

I just hope they implement this fix across the whole crm soon

How can I ask the developers to implement this in the next update?

I already approached the developer:

The change I suggest for the workaround is


simple to apply.

In this line of this file

Make a backup of the file first, in case something goes wrong.

Then Change the current text

     style="display:none;position:fixed;top: 39%; left: 41%;opacity:1;z-index:9999;background:#FFFFFF;">

To this new text

     style="display:none;position:fixed;top: 39%; left: 41%;opacity:1;z-index:9999;background:#FFFFFF;overflow-y: auto;height: 300px;">

Adjust that “300px” as desired to manage the height of the pop-up window.

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