For the most part when I’m building a lead/contact front end layout I just leave the address as is, so I’ve never really come accross this issue.
I have an issue where the client’s for this particular install are all local and just needs street address and city.
However, there doesn’t seem to be a way to do this out of the box. I assumed the “Primary Address Street” would only output the street and the Primary Address City would output the city. Turns out the Primary Address Street" outputs the whole address block.
If I add the other default field “Address” (which I assumed was the full address block), it’s just a text field.
So then I thought well maybe they are just mis labelled. However when populating the Address text block it does not add it to Primary Address Street and visa versa.
So essentially, without modifying the code, there’s no way just to show the street and city. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

You can modify the editviewdefs.php of that module if you look at the primary_address_street field it has type address in it (in the defs) . Just remove that and it should behave as a simple text field
Thanks! @abuzarfaris , so it looks like a bug then?
To me the “Address” field should be type=“address” and should render the address block the “Primary Address Street” should a simple text field? Or they should be named differently.
This would be kind of a mess to fix though because everyone now is probably using the Primary Address Street as the full address block, and it doesn’t populate the “Address” field at all.
I wouldn’t call it a bug. It’s just designed this way. For your specific you can remove type address from the street and it should let you use it as a simple text field
Alternatively you can for this specific crm modify the
include/SugarFields/Fields/Address/EditView.tpl file and remove the country and other fields that you don’t need
You can copy this file to the custom folder and modify it as you need
Thanks @abuzarfaris I know I can modify the code, but I think it’s intended for the users (non coding) to be able to select either the entire address block, or just specific components. That’s why you can select “Primary Address State” for example. All fo the fields of the address block have corresponding single fields by default… except… the primary street address. This is why I think it’s a bug.
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