Price List

will it be possible to manage Price List for customers in SuiteCRM?

Thanks in advance

Hi there,

Yes, this will be introduced in the 7.3 release. You can see if you search for ā€˜price listā€™ on the development roadmap.



Just testing out SuiteCRM - liking it so far. Is there a SuiteCRM for dummies - I really need it. Big learning curve.

Anyway, interested in this new feature of Price Lists and how it is going to work.

I am wondering if SuiteCRM will cover our needs as follows with regards to prices.

    We purchase products from wholesalers and manufacturers - either we are an exclusive distributor or a reseller
    We also sell ā€œServicesā€ where we can install these products for example
    We sell most (but not all) these products directly to a retail customer OR we use the products on a job

  • We are trying to maintain a central place where our staff and perhaps contractors have access to all the products and services we offer so everyone
    uses the same pricing when quoting.

    With prices, what is in SuiteCRM now per product is fine although we will need to add more fields (have worked that out).

My Questions (and not in any particular order):

  1. Can we maintain a master list of prices from each manufacturer or wholesaler (which I assume I need to set up an Account for each)?
  2. Our master list of prices would need the final landed price to the business (actual cost of product to us) - but what we donā€™t want is that field seen by any
    of our contractors and non-accounting staff - is this doable? How can this field be viewed by some users and not by others?
  3. With Quotes, I see from documentation that the field Price is the retail price the product (or service) is sold for. What is the Cost field? Is this the net cost
    of the product? If so, then net profit would be the Price less Cost?
  4. Can we run a report on a single Quote or Invoice to: 1. Find out what our nett profit is for that quote? 2. Print out a list of the products in that quote
    (along with nett costs and where to purchase from (Account). Idea here is so we know what we will make on that job, and also make it quick to order the
    goods we need for a job. An inventory list I guess.
  5. Is it possible to also maintain a ā€œShippingā€ book which contains any shipping costs from one or more shipping methods that we use?

Thanks for any info on the above. I am sure I will have more questions as I test more out.

Hi Huskidog,
i managed price lists, creating some orders as ā€œtemplatesā€.
Order with discount type 1
Order with discount type 2

Users (agents) log in the system and create a duplicate of the desired order.

In addiction thanks to Role Management and Security Suite,
i make that every user (agent) sees just Orders assigned to his group.


We can create price lists in Suitecrm 7.5.1? I failed to see the option, I think you would have to opt for a new module development. I am right?

In the roadpmap the price lists are available?

Thank you


Can we manage price list from own of customers in this CRM ?


Tahir Marfani

There is an extension :
it will cover your concern

Our team built The Price Books add-on for SuiteCRM allows you to sell products at different pricing rates based on your chosen agreement terms with specific types of customers, resellers, or distributorsā€¦ Please review it from hereā€¦