Price excluding taxes for each item in Quotes ?

Hi everyone,

I am quite new to SuiteCRM though I have been using SugarCRM CE for a while now.
I am trying to generate quotes using the AOS modules, but it looks like Suite does not provide VAT excluded price for each line item, only the $aos_products_quotes_product_total_price field which already includes taxes.

I am willing to migrate my quote environment but am stuck with this feature. I understand that the field does not exist, and there may be some customizations to be done (line-items.js, etc…) but this looks compliacted as I am far from an expert in PHP or JS programming. Can anyone help me, at least to say if creating and computing a field that would be named $aos_products_quote_product_total_price_without_vat would require huge work ?

Thanks a lot.