Prevent multiple logins of same user

So, seems the same user and password can be used from unlimited computers at the same time?
Wondered if this issue is also present for SuiteCRM and if anyone knows how to fix it so it works like Pro?

Hi there,

This is standard functionality. There are no plans in SuiteCRM to change this to work like pro, although you could implement this change yourself/ask the community to help.



Did you find a solution to this problem?


As a variant, you can use logic_hook ‘after_login’ (Logic Hooks :: SuiteCRM Documentation) and write your own situation handler.

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okay thank you very much
I can there compare with the system current user
or how would you do it?
My wish is that the same user does not enter different devices at the same time


I think you can create a special module or file for fixed activity users. These may be different options. I don’t have enough information to give you more detailed recommendations.

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