Possibly the most NOOB move ever..PLEASE HELP ME (said the fly)

Hello everyone, I think that I may have made the most stupid Nooby move ever… and now i need someone to pull me from the raging fires of despair …

I was on ubuntu 12.04 happy as a fish in water, when i installed suitecrm, we started to use it and i had the staff type in many many many leads, accounts, invoices etc… the whole business is basically on SuiteCRM as I think the best thing since sliced bread… (please feel pity for me)… So to make a long story short… all was working fine except the email had a few issues in SuiteCRM… (not a big deal) until i decided to fix the problem by upgrading to ubuntu 14.04 and reinstalling the entire LAMP stack and all of the glorious things that go with that. before I started the install… i made a tar file of the entire SuiteCRM directory on my /var/www/SuiteCRM directory… Now that I am finished with the upgrade of my fresh new server and all is good in my world… I want to untar the SuiteCRM.tar file and put it back on the server… This is were my world starts to smoke… I have the tar file with everything untared and sitting in the right place and now i can not get SuiteCRM to start… I dont know what to do :frowning: how do I create the basic mysql database so that I can use my previous data without looking for the nearest bridge to jump from… Please someone here feel sorry for me and help tell me what i need to do to get this tar file onto my new system without having to reinstall and have my staff retype everything again…



Hi there,

you have the mysql database previously backed up and exported?
Installs You’ve practically new with no data?

If yes, this is actually quite simple.
First you delete the sugarcrm-db in phpmyadmin and import it then returns to the previous database in the sugarcrm folder.
Secondly you delete the htdocs files and copy your old files back.
The htaccess and config file you should delete.
After login in the admin area, you have to rebuild htaccess and config.
After a quick repair everything should be back …

I have the structure backed up from phpmyadmin… I will try your next steps and see if this works… wish me luck world…

Ok what files am i suppose to delete ? and from what directories ?

I completed the operation and this is the error that i get now…

Sugar CRM 6.5.17 Files May Only Be Used With A Sugar CRM 6.5.17 Database.


to delete the files you find them in the directory apps / sugarcrm / htdocs /
and delete htaccess and config if needed.

Do you have the config file deleted?
It could also go with the config file from the new installation. Then rebuild…

At Sugar yourself you’ve changed nothing, right?

Hi Thanks for your feedback… I am using SuiteCRM version 7.2.1 of sugar… and there is no apps directory… :frowning:

hmmmm, where have you installed sugar? :dry:

The folder directory htdocs must be somewhere, even under linux.

I reach DOKAN SSHFS to our Linux server, because otherwise we are working on with Windows.

dokan-dev.net - maybe this will help you?

I am on ubuntu… and its installed in /var/www/Sugarcrm

Hi there,

This may have potentially been a failed installation at some point. First suggestion would be checking out the version in the ‘config’ table in your SuiteCRM database and ensure that it is set to 6.5.17. If not, update this and re-try.

