Portal - How to enable on SuiteCRM OnDemand Hosting?

Hi there

We have a SuiteCRM OnDemand hosting account.

I cannot see how to emable the Portal item referred to here - https://suitecrm.com/suitecrm?id=199:producttour&catid=126:suitecrm-website-pages/#aop

Please advise.



Hi Richard,

If you are talking about within the CRM, AOP is already enabled.

If you need the AOP Joomla component, this can be found on the download page.

There is documentation on the portal here.



Hi Will

Thank you - we have this working now.

Quick question. It is easy to manually turn a contact into a Portal User, however, is it possible to automate this process so that all Contacts, as they get created, become Portal Users? It would be normal for customers (who become contacts) to automatically receive support access details. It is going to be tiresome to have to manually do this to all Contacts one by one.

Is this possible?

Many thanks


That’s an interesting idea that may be best dealt with by having it as a configurable option in Admin. I have passed to the developers for adding to the roadmap.