popup listview filterartion as per my customization

I have two modules Products and services.
In Products one services sub panel i created to mapped many services to one product.

Now My Question is,

when i click the select button from sub panel, in the popup list view i need only those service list which is not mapped to that product .[/b]

Hi there,

Can you provide some screen shots and expand on your requirement for products/services?



Thanks for your reply Will,

As u seen in left side, in sub services sub panel 3 and 2 service are there, and in right side of the pic,

when i click the select Button for selecting in the pop up box all the services are showing. Here only i need filteration, as u already seen 3,2 this two services are already there in the subpanel, so this two should not be display in the pop up list.

lead me in a correct way. :slight_smile:

and One more this if u noticed in popup search view one field is there named “Main Service” . by default i need yes for initial_filterarion . The thing is that i tried it many ways its happening for relate field but not happening for subpanel select button. i need to pass values on click of select button only. plz help me out…

Hi there,

You would need to override the product popup. You would need to pass in the ID and modify the popup query to check for product records already in the services records.



Hi will,

can you guide we with some sample codes. that will be very helpfull. because i already tried many of the things.