Populating target lists for e-mail campaigns

Just recently started using SuiteCRM and trying to get my head around the best way to use the Target Lists feature, so I have a few questions :

Can the target lists be automatically populated with accounts matching a certain criteria? Ie. we have checkboxes for each account if they’re a customer or supplier (both could be ticked) and which brands they deal in. We’d like to base our e-mail on these criteria, ie : E-mail all contacts who are a supplier and deal in brand A. When I’ve tried to do this it does select the account, however the e-mail addresses are only assigned to the account’s contacts - not the account itself. This results in no e-mails being sent out

In this scenario would it be best to leave out the individual contacts and just assign those e-mail addresses directly to the account?

[quote=“headlaneltd” post=27043]
Can the target lists be automatically populated with accounts matching a certain criteria? Ie. we have checkboxes for each account if they’re a customer or supplier (both could be ticked) and which brands they deal in. [/quote]

That’s what the module “Workflows” is for.

Workflow module: Accounts

  • Field: Account Type
  • Value: Customer


  • Modify Record
  • Target Lists
  • Add Relation

Different issue and something Sugar has never gotten right in the first place.
Proceed the same way as described above.
Create a workflow that assigns contacts based on their related account to the respective target lists.

Modern drip marketing advises personal contact anyway, so you have at least a salutation, title and name ready when contacting your customers.
Mailing to anonymous account mails fails in 99% of the time anyway.

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Thanks for the reply - that’s what I was looking to do, assign all contacts for the respective account to the target list.

I’m not quite sure what the relationship settings should be in the Workflow module as I haven’t used it yet but this gives me a good place to start.

Thanks again.