Plugin development in suitecrm

hello everyone,

i want to learn plugin development in suite crm . i tried too many search but didn’t get any step by step guid for that .

so anyone please help me to build the plugin step by step …


You have the whole Developer Guide in the Docs:

And for the generation of the packages you have this specific chapter:

thanks for sharing the link … bt i need some more specific details . like how can i build controller and model for plugin and to save in which folder with the folder name etc…

The section about Extension Framework should help you.

There is also this I got from another forum, it helps with naming conventions:

HOWTO: Creating Custom Controller and View Classes
bsoremsugar —  February 7, 2011 — 5 Comments

Sugar uses an MVC pattern to handle incoming requests to the application. I won’t delve into all the details on how this works, a better resource for this is Chapter 2 of The Definitive Guide to SugarCRM: Better Business Applications.

That said, one hangup people seem to run into in the forums is naming conventions for the controller and view class. If you are authoring your own module, you should name your controller and view classes like this ( assuming ‘Module’ is the name of the module we are using ):

// controller class for a module
class ModuleController extends SugarController

// view class for a view that extends a builtin view
class ModuleViewEdit extends ViewEdit

// view class for a view that is an entirely new view named 'Something'
class ModuleViewSomething extends SugarView

If you are extending a view or controller off an already existing module, use this naming convention instead:;

// controller class for a module that has a controller class defined already
class CustomModuleController extends ModuleController

// controller class for a module that doesn't have a controller class defined already
class CustomModuleController extends SugarController

// view class for a view that extends a view already defined in the module
class CustomModuleViewEdit extends ModuleViewEdit

// view class for a view that extends a builtin view where the class isn't already defined in the module
class CustomModuleViewEdit extends ViewEdit

// view class for a view that is an entirely new view named 'Something'
class CustomModuleViewSomething extends SugarView