Plugin: Athentication failed with suitecrm / with sugarcrm it works

We are now testing to switch vom sugarcrm 6.4.x to suitecrm.
All works fine, except the outllook integration.

After we have installed die Suitcrm Outlook plugin we can connect to our existing live sugarcrm environment without problem.

But if try to connect to the suitecrm 7.7.4 (which was migrated vom sugarcrm 6.4.x -> suitecrm 7.6.6 -> 7.7.4) we see the message “Authentication failed”.

We use LDAP Authentication.
The user we use for testing is a admin user and can login to the suitecrm.

I hope that this problem can be fixed, because we want to migrate to suitecrm in the near future.

In the logfile is see:

Wed Sep 21 13:18:40 2016 [26190][-none-][DEBUG] Hook called: Users::login_failed
Wed Sep 21 13:18:40 2016 [26190][-none-][FATAL] FAILED LOGIN:attempts[2] - USERNAME
Wed Sep 21 13:18:40 2016 [26190][-none-][DEBUG] Hook called: Users::login_failed
Wed Sep 21 13:18:40 2016 [26190][-none-][DEBUG] SoapHelperWebServices->setFaultObject - SoapError::__set_state(array(
   'name' => 'Invalid Login',
   'number' => 10,
   'description' => 'Login attempt failed please check the username and password',
Wed Sep 21 13:18:40 2016 [26190][-none-][INFO] Begin: SugarRestService->error
Wed Sep 21 13:18:40 2016 [26190][-none-][INFO] End: SugarRestService->error
Wed Sep 21 13:18:40 2016 [26190][-none-][ERROR] End: SugarWebServiceImpl->login - failed login
Wed Sep 21 13:18:40 2016 [26190][-none-][INFO] End: SugarRestJSON->serve
Wed Sep 21 13:18:40 2016 [26190][-none-][ERROR] 10: Invalid Login<br>Login attempt failed please check the username and password
Wed Sep 21 13:18:40 2016 [26190][-none-][INFO] End: SugarRestService->serve

I have same problem. Nobody help us to solve this problem?

My fix for this problem can be found here:

I have fixed the problem with this small change:

File LDAPAuthenticateUser.php .

// NEW -->
$password = str_replace("^@" , "", $password);
// <-- NEW

// MRF - Bug #18578 - punctuation was being passed as HTML entities, i.e. &
$bind_password = html_entity_decode($password,ENT_QUOTES);

Which outlook plugin are you using?
I was used KINAMU SOAP Enhancement for Outlook Connector module to pass authentication, it was working good with sugar crm. When i upgrade my sugar crm to suite crm 7.x, it does not work. I use php 7 version in my server.

I m using leads module to set record from web. I use Soap to get them but it gives error, there is an authentication error.

2017-02-03 12:22:38.296267 nusoap_client: return shifted value: 
array(2) {
  &string(2) "-1"
  &array(3) {
    &string(2) "10"
    &string(13) "Invalid Login"
    &string(59) "Login attempt failed please check the username and password"

When i try it with php 5.6, everything are working good with suitecrm 7.x.

Please help me? Any suggestion?

My test code is ;


		$url = "https://mydomain/suitecrm/soap.php?wsdl";
		$username = "admin";
		$password = "*********";
		//require NuSOAP
		$error = "";
		$fomid_c = '9999999999';
		$lead_source = 'Test;
		$acadyear_c = "2015-2016";
		$termcode_c = "201503";
    		$universtiyID = "123456789";;
		$name = "Name";
		$middlename = "";
    		$lastname = "Surname";
    		$gender_c = "Male";
    		$birthdate_c = "1992-08-24";
    		$nationality_c = "TURKEY";
		$phone_home = "5325000000";
    		$phone_other = "2124830000";
   	 	$emailAddress0 = "";
		//retrieve WSDL
		$client = new nusoap_client($url, 'wsdl');
		//display errors
		$err = $client->getError();
		if ($err)
			echo '<h2>Constructor error</h2><pre>' . $err . '</pre>';
			echo '<h2>Debug</h2><pre>' . htmlspecialchars($client->getDebug(), ENT_QUOTES) . '</pre>';
		//login ---------------------------------------------------- 

		$login_parameters = array(
        	 'user_auth' => array(
             	 'user_name' => $username,
             	 'password' => md5($password),
             	 'version' => '1'
    	     	'application_name' => 'SoapLeadCapture',
      	  	'name_value_list' => array(

		$login_result = $client->call('login', $login_parameters);

		echo '<pre>';
		echo '</pre>';
		//get session id
		$session_id =  $login_result['id'];
		//set records -------------------------------------
			//session id
			'session' => $session_id,
			//The name of the module from which to set records
			'module_name' => 'Leads',
			'name_value_list'=> array(
				array("name" => 'fomid_c',"value" => $fomid_c),
				array("name" => 'converted',"value" => 1),
				array("name" => 'lead_source',"value" => $lead_source),
				array("name" => 'acadyear_c',"value" => $acadyear_c),
				array("name" => 'termcode_c',"value" => $termcode_c),
				array("name" => 'su_student_id_c',"value" => $universtiyID),
				array("name" => 'first_name',"value" => $name),
				array("name" => 'last_name',"value" => $lastname),
				array("name" => 'middle_name',"value" => $middlename),
				array("name" => 'birthdate_c',"value" => $birthdate_c),
				array("name" => 'gender_c',"value" => $gender_c),
				array("name" => 'nationality_c',"value" => $nationality_c),
				array("name" => 'phone_home',"value" => $phone_home),
				array("name" => 'phone_other',"value" => $phone_other),
				array("name" => 'email1',"value" => $emailAddress0),

		$result = $client->call('set_entry',$set_entry_params);
		$insert_lead_id = $result["id"];


		print 'Thank you, your submission has been received.';
		echo "<pre>";
		echo "</pre>";



we use the OPACUS
and the suitecrm plugin both works fine.

At the server we use php53.

Sorry we don`t use SOAP.

But the
[“id”]=> &string(2) “-1”
can also be a problem with the credentials.