pls can someone tell me how to make some adjustment on invoice-Line Items

  1. thank u for anyone who can view the topic. pls suggest me
  2. here is the problem i am facing, i find everywhere but failed to locate where i can find the place and solve the problem. i want increase the width of the colomn in line item, meanwhile i want move some unnacessary colomn, like discription and notes.
    3.thank u for the suggestions.

i think i already find the solution from the forum, and i think my understand and adjustment is correct.
make change from the line_item.js, line 193 to 207, mark it out.

    //var y = tablebody.insertRow(-1);
    // = 'product_note_line' + prodln;

    //var h1 = y.insertCell(0);
    //h1.colSpan = "3";
    // = "rgb(68,68,68)";
    //h1.innerHTML = "<span style='vertical-align: top;'>" + SUGAR.language.get(module_sugar_grp1, 'LBL_PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION') + " :&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>";
    //h1.innerHTML += "<textarea tabindex='116' name='product_item_description[" + prodln + "]' id='product_item_description" + prodln + "' rows='2' //cols='23'></textarea>&nbsp;&nbsp;";

    //var i = y.insertCell(1);
    //i.colSpan = "3";
    // = "rgb(68,68,68)";
    //i.innerHTML = "<span style='vertical-align: top;'>"  + SUGAR.language.get(module_sugar_grp1, 'LBL_PRODUCT_NOTE') + " :&nbsp;</span>";
    //i.innerHTML += "<textarea tabindex='116' name='product_description[" + prodln + "]' id='product_description" + prodln + "' rows='2' //cols='23'></textarea>&nbsp;&nbsp;";

when u do so, remember clean ur branswer cache, otherwise u will find there is no change at all.