plesk tips issue SOLVED!

I’ve a dedicated server with latest version of plesk, and I was going crazy witk 1k problems born with suitecrm.
Solved: setup plesk as FASTCGI and suitecrm speed run!
two little questions and suggestions: when customer create case, to him arrive 2 emails, one in text format (and works fine) and other in html format (and have issue as…

Salve $contact_first_name $contact_last_name,
Abbiamo ricevuto correttamente la tua richiesta, ed abbiamo generato il caso: $acase_name (nr. caso# $acase_case_number) del $acase_date_entered

second issue: a case can assigned to a group of users?
Thank you

the issue happens also when contact write an update to his case:
Salve $contact_first_name $contact_last_name,
Il giorno $aop_case_updates_date_entered il consulente $user_first_name $user_last_name ha aggiornato il tuo caso: $acase_name (nr. caso# $acase_case_number):
Il consulente $user_first_name $user_last_name ti ha scritto:

instead the user who take the case arrive the correct email with correct filed.
I hope I’m clear