PHP scrip to update contacts

Dear Sugar CRM / Suite CRM,

Is there any API or PHP script available to update the Contact instead of importing it via Import Wizard.  It is

pain to update our application contact every week on the CRM & then use import wizard every week. So we can setup a
cron job to do this on every week basis… Please advice.


Hi there,

What updates do you want to perform on contacts? Do you want to import new contacts using a PHP script rather than the import wizard?



yes, Instead of using Import .csv option, I want to use a PHP script which can query our DB & update the SuiteCRM MYSQL DB having contacts detail module information.

Hi hzzg6y,

This would have to be a custom script written to suit your needs/database/data.



I mean do we have any API or existing php script to insert the contacts data directly in MYSQL DB.


Do we have any Rest API to insert the data with New contacts… Please advice.


Hi there,

This is not something we use/have developed but there is a lot of documentation on REST API’s with use in SugarCRM. See this developer page.

