Php.ini location after migration 7.14.x > 8.8

Not sure if this is my issue but I have multiple errors being reported in my logs. At this point Im more interested in the location of my php.ini file which seems to have been removed upon migration from 7.14 to 8.8.

Is the php.ini file no longer used? My assumption is that the location should be in the /public/legacy directory of my migrated instance, is this not true. A quick search of the entire 8.8 installation results in NO php.ini file found.

My previous installation utilized php7.4 which has been updated to php8.2 once migrated to 8.8

Looking at the phpinfo() from the diagnostics tool is showing /public/legacy listed in the include path so I am creating a new php.ini file in hopes that I can make changes easier.

If this is absolutely incorrect please let me know.

Sorry for the fire drill, I think I got it

That’s not a SuiteCRM thing, that is just the way your web server is configured, and - I am guessing - the way your shared hosting chooses to do things for user’s configs.

Any way I am glad you solved it! :slight_smile: