PHP 8.4 is a major update of the PHP language

It contains many new features, such as property hooks, asymmetric visibility, an updated DOM API, performance improvements, bug fixes, and general cleanup.

I wouldn’t call it “major”, I don’t see anything too interesting there, but that’s just my modest opinion.

Regarding SuiteCRM, I guess the attitude is to always try to keep up with PHP updates, although try is the key word here :slight_smile:

I guess the really hard upgrades were from 7.x to 8.x, and they’re mostly done.

I expect the transition to 8.4 to be relatively easy, but still it might not be too soon, there’s so much to be done, and these boring parts of the maintenance of a large code-base are much more laborious than most people realize…

That’s true! The SuiteCRM 8.8 will use PHP 8.3 as per this roadmap :face_with_peeking_eye:


Beta version of SuiteCRM 8.8 using PHP 8.3


We are currently working on upgrading our fork from 7.12 to 7.14.6.

This upgrade obviously includes upgrading PHP. Since our provider strongly recommend using PHP 8.3 and also provides 8.4, we decided to push directly forward to PHP 8.4. This involves assuming compatibility issues with SuiteCRM, as it only supports 8.2 for now.

So far we found errors and warning that we are fixing in a separate branch of our fork. Changes here: Comparing 592b089a63beccd15f0ea1f604822f62236fdc42...bug/nonStaticCalls · SinergiaTIC/SinergiaCRM · GitHub

Once we are done with validations, we’ll bring changes to SuiteCRM repository. Expecting until end of the month.

Is anyone working in this upgrade? We just want to make sure we aren’t duplicating efforts.

I’ll link the open Issue in the repo mentioning PHP 8.3 compatibility: Compatibility with PHP 8.3? · Issue #10474 · salesagility/SuiteCRM · GitHub


While you updating new PHP version, how do you check the errors? Do you change error level in the php.ini file?

We are currently using this setup in php.ini:
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED

As well as using Rector and debugging thoroughly.

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Thanks! I was about to advise you to work with Rector to update code haha, :grin:

Does rector support PHP 8.3 and 8.4?