Phonenumbers being cleaned from + signe

I just upgraded to 7.11.17, and noticed that if i edit a phonenumber that contains a + (plus) sign, the + sign getā€™s stripped. I tried to find a setting for this, but couldā€™nt find.

Is it a bug, or a new feature that i have missed?


It looks like a lot of files have changed as of 7.11.16/7.11.17, including security fixes.
(Also, this upgrade includes the removal of the YUI3 JavaScript Libraries for Security Concerns)

So it is possible that something has been removed/changed for security reasons, that has this adverse affect

From a quick test, it seems like itā€™s stripping it out when it is the first character
Is that what youā€™re experiencing too?

Interestingly, if you enter two ā€œ+ā€ symbols, the first one is stripped out, but the second remains.
Maybe this would suit as a workaround? (while definitely not ideal)

Iā€™d recommend raising this on the Github Project Page, to see that it gets addressed
(Or I could raise it, if youā€™d prefer)

Unless any other user has some hints towards what might be ocurring?


Yes, itā€™s the first Ā±character, eg: +3589123456 becomes 3589123456.

Iā€™ll make a bugreport about this in github, because what you write in the fields, should end up in them. I donā€™t think that SuiteCRM should modify what you enter into a fieldā€¦

Funnyā€¦ This forum is also modifying my textā€¦ I entered + -, (without space between) and it became Ā±


Thanks for raising that as a bug :slight_smile:

Yeah, iā€™d agree that itā€™s definitely odd behaviour, and appears misleading

I believe itā€™s just an unintended side effect of the large number of changes through 7.11.16
Especially as it wasnā€™t happening in 7.11.15

You should be able to follow any progress on the bug on Github, thanks again!

I need though to test it with an older PHP-version, because pgorod could not reproduce itā€¦ I run my suitecrm on PHP7.4ā€¦ I think though that the difference in PHP Version is irrelevant, because i tested it with a different suitecrm-setupā€¦


Iā€™ve been able to replicate in PHP 7.2

Maybe there are other factors at play then?
(ie: Browser/Cached Files/Environment setup)

Let us know how it goes on a lower version, itā€™ll be good to get some more information

Hey @hertell

Thereā€™s recently been a fix suggested for this here:

Iā€™ve given it a try and it seems to resolve the issue on my end

Would you be able to apply the changes noted here, and let us know if this resolves your issue?

Perfect! This issue is now fixed! Thanks :slight_smile:

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