Phone number not displayed in detail view of Users and Contacts module


SuiteCRm Version 7.8.3
Sugar Version 6.5.24 (Build 509)

I have phone number field in Contact and User module and custom phone field in Calls module.I have data in these fields. I can see in edit view but can’t see in detail view. It is displaying blank.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

What Operating System do you have?

Can you post a picture of the issue?

Please check all your logs and report here what you find (php/apache, suitecrm.log, sugarcrm.log, and browser console errors).

Are these standard fields or custom?

Are your permissions set correctly?

Have you cleared the browser cache?

Have you run quick repair and rebuild?

Have you tried on a different browser?

Have you checked the official demo to see if the problem occurs there also?